Hope Through Hard Times


A Testimony of Praise

Are you praying and expecting God to move in your life? Hold onto hope that God listens and is always working. Find out what caused us to rejoice greatly this week

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Happy Birthday Michael!

I’m very excited to announce my husband’s birthday today! He’s a quiet, loving, generous man that deserves to be celebrated. Since we can’t do much in way of going out this year, I thought I would take my liberties and share some fun with you!

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Overcoming Fear with Faith

It was a dark cloudy night. The waves beat ruthlessly against the boat. The men shook cold and soaked in fear. Another restless, questionable night on the open sea. Some of them were fisherman. They should know how to handle the boat on a night like this…

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Blessings to you as you reflect on the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. If you don’t know what Easter or Jesus is all about, please send me an… Continue Reading

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Miracles Happen

Do you believe that miracles still happen? As Easter approaches, let’s celebrate the Lord’s power and work in our lives.

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