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Faith, Uncategorized

An Adventure of Understanding God’s Love

My dad and stepmom were getting ready to leave for a trip, so I phoned them the night before to hear how things were coming together, to bless their time away, and remind them of my love for them. It was a good chat. Near the end of the conversation, my dad paused in contemplative silence for a moment then said, “I love you very much… Do you know how much I love you? …I love you so so much.” Tears filled my eyes. My heart hadn’t known how much I needed to hear those genuine words.

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Inspire Hope Podcast, Uncategorized

Hope Found During Challenging Financial, Business, and Relational Situations

You’ve felt the yoyo effect of business and finances. For a time you were doing really well and making great gains, but the next thing you know, you’re handing the keys of your house and car over to the bank. How do you navigate the shame and embarrassment of perceived failure?

You were pursuing education for the job you’ve always dreamed of doing, but it wasn’t going as you had planned. Now, not only have you quit school, your wedding engagement is called off, and church and family relationships are struggling. How do you know what to do next?

Many of these scenarios are quite common. Either yourself or someone you know has/is working through them. Each of these causes you to test your faith. This was the case for Andrena Sawyer. Tune into today’s episode as she shares with Rachel how she learned to cling to God, surrender her plans, and instead, embrace the ones He had for her, along the surprises and blessings she experienced from Him because of it.

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The Beautiful Gift of the Present with Jesus

Much like everyday life, and the ebb and flow of your assignments, the space between Christmas and New Years finds you in the mix of sorrow and joy. Perhaps this year was mostly filled with joyous memories and it’s hard to think about turning the calendar to a new year and all the unknowns of the future, producing a tension between joy and anxiety of the unknowns. Or, for you it might be that this year has been more sorrowful so the thought of turning the calendar brings you a bit of joy in anticipating that things will be better. You want to hasten closer to New Year’s and you’re doing anything you can to prepare for that new day.

But the reality is that you can’t hold on to the past as it will always be just that: the past. And you can’t dictate your future. Only God can. So, the best is to learn to live in the awkward space of the present where joy and sorrow mingle. For I find it is in this space where God presents His greatest peace and revelation

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Zechariah – God Changed the Heart of an Old Priest

Have you ever prayed about something for years and received seemingly no results, but because it’s now part of your daily rhythm, you still utter the words? Your heart has grown numb to the request, but your mind still goes through the motions?

Eventually, that numbness moves into other areas of your spiritual life, and it feels dry altogether?

Well, there’s good news! God is still in the business of reviving hearts and lives!

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Faith, Uncategorized

Joseph – Faithful Obedience in a Difficult Situation

Upon asking the Lord for refreshed eyes and heart to understand the deeper truths of His divine conception, I am marveling at the Lord’s work in humble people. His direction this year in studying the Christmas story has highlighted the sacrifice and reward of being a follower of Jesus, no matter the cost.

This first takes you and me to the incredible story of Joseph, Mary’s betrothed, in Matthew 1

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