Product Policies


Expect 3-5 business days after placing your order for your item to be shipped.

Overview of Refunds and Exchanges

Refunds are only acceptable for 30 days. They must be unused and in the original packaging.

Non-returnable items:

  • Downloadable products such as our eBooks
  • Any packaging that has been opened and/or used,

In order to return your product to Hope Through Hard Times, you’ll need to show proof of purchase.


We will notify you when we have received your returned item and inspected it. We will inform you at that point if the refund will be approved or rejected.

If your refund is approved, we will credit the payment in the original purchasing form, whether by credit card, e-transfer, or cash.

Late or missing refunds

We will notify you when the refund has been applied. If it does not come 10 business days after our notification, check your bank account or with your credit card company. If at that point you still haven’t received it, and there is no record of it, you can contact us at [email protected] and we will assist you.

Sale items

If you purchased an item at a sale price that was not marked as, “Final sale” and returned it to us, you will receive the payment of the sale price in return, not the original purchase value. All items marked, “Final sale,” are non-refundable.


Only times that are damaged or defective will qualify for exchange within 30 days. You can replace it with the same item by contacting us at [email protected].


If you received one of our products as a gift, it was shipped directly to you, and you’d like to return it, you will receive a store credit for that item. A gift certificate will either be emailed or mailed to you once we receive the item and it passes inspection.

If the item was originally sent to the purchaser and not marked as a gift, we will notify the purchaser of the return. We must receive it within 30 days of purchase. We will provide the refund to our customer, not the one that received the gift.

Shipping returns

All returns will be labelled and mailed to:

Hope Through Hard Times
800 Talbot St
St. Thomas, ON N5P 1E2

You are responsible for the shipping costs of all returned items. This will not be included in your refund. Exceptions apply to items that have been damaged prior to delivery. Proof of damaged delivery will need to be sent to [email protected]. They will notify you of how they’ll proceed with replacement.

The time of exchanged items being returned to you may vary depending on your location.

We recommend you choose a trackable shipping service to deliver your returned item to us in order to assure that we receive it.

Need help?

If you have questions about refunds and returns, please contact us at [email protected]. We are happy to help.