Sustaining Hope Book


Sustaining Hope is evidence of God’s victorious work through infertility, a bone marrow donation, post-concussion syndrome, financial challenges, faith-based questions, and marriage.

This book shares the raw truth of these circumstances as well as the power of God to overcome each one when you learn to surrender and fix your eyes on Jesus.


This is the paperback version


Michael and Rachel’s relationship was filled with romance and adventure. They had great potential as their community cheered them on in their strong and newly budded love. With only a year into marriage, it didn’t take long for their excitement to come to a screeching halt. Their love and faith were significantly tested when suddenly hit with one crisis after another.

Where was Jesus in all of this? What did it really mean to have hope? Was it enough to help them through the hardships they faced?

Have you had your faith tested? Are you working through infertility? Do you struggle with chronic illness? Are you dealing with debt? Discover the amazing work of God and the power of His Sustaining Hope.


Additional information

Weight 0.297 kg
Dimensions 26.1 × 18.42 × 1.5 cm


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