I Can’t… Or Can I?

The fear of trying new things, and possibly facing symptoms because of it, were leaving us crippled from moving forward.

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Celebrating Others’ Newborns

One of the biggest challenges and yet greatest blessings can be welcoming a newborn into this world. Your heart aches as you long for a child yourself. You want to hold it, feel the delicate, warm, little body pressed against your chest and snuggled in your arms. Yet, every part of you is desperately trying not to break down and sob on this beautiful newborn life.

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Beginnings…Heaven and Earth

I want to bring us back to the beginning of it all; to remind us of the beauty and perfection of creation. To reflect upon our Creator. To be reminded of why we worship.

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The Power of Accountability

Having a partner work on something with you can bring power and motivation. You can cheer each other on when the going gets tough. You can celebrate when you reach success.

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Sex & Marriage – Not What You Expected

Movies glam this up. Single people long for it and make jokes about it. Married people typically keep quiet or roll their eyes when the word sex is mentioned. It is a widely shown topic yet a very quiet and secretive one. It has been embellished, abused, and scrutinized. Now for the reality.

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Don’t Make Me Go!

Are crowds and social events taxing on your brain? Does the thought of going to an event make you anxious? Then you and I have something in common.

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Faith Filled Stories: Abimelech

This story is full of scandal and grace. Come join me and be encouraged by God’s forgiveness, grace, and redemption.

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Living Water – Part 2

My parched soul tapped into the “Living Water”. I began to crave my time with the Lord each morning. I could feel it if I missed a day. My day wouldn’t flow well, I would be crankier and more self-focused, less loving.

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Budgets: The Necessity of Financial Life

The first part of taking back control of your finances is by creating a budget. If the thought of doing a budget makes you wince, stick with me. It’s not as bad as you think.

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The Wrong Day to Have a Facial

I don’t quite get the whole mud facial thing. I guess it’s not quite my style…

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About Me

Rachel is passionate about discipling people into a deeper relationship with Jesus, helping to keep Him forefront in their daily lives...   Read More


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