Hope Through Hard Times


The Value of You

You are not broken! You were created with purpose; a well thought out perfect design! God did not mess up. He did not ‘miss something’. He did not make you on a whim. He knows every single detail about you and is well pleased with it.

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Pathway to Freedom

You’re running a race. You’re tired, thirsty, dripping with sweat, but you’re almost there. If you push yourself a little further, you’ll have the sweet victory you’ve been craving. Suddenly, you get a leg cramp. Do you push through to the end or give it all up and nurse the cramp?

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Birthday Celebrations

How many of you cringe at the thought that your birthday is encroaching? Do you try to change your age when people ask? Are you one of the ones that say you’re forever 16?

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Creditors Calling

You feel the panic rise up as the phone rings. You’re afraid to answer it. What if it’s the creditors again? But, if you don’t answer, what if they won’t stop calling? …Could it be someone else? What if there’s an emergency or someone needs me and I’m missing an important call?

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