The Sting of Debt

Debt is like deception. You think you own your finances; you think you’re keeping on top of things, but the next thing you know it owns you.

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The Night Things Became a Bit Breezy

It was a busy night at the restaurant one night. I was tired, but enjoying the buzz of the evening – until I heard a loud rip..

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Embrace the New You

When I actually had a chance to stop everything, I realized that the hamster wheel I was on was only leading to burn out after burn out. It was time to hit the reset button on my life and review my priorities.

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The Empty Womb – Hope through the Unknowns

We chose to worship the Lord, giving Him our shattered hearts. He knew where we were at. Our hearts lay delicately in His hands.

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God’s Work in Me

Welcome to Hope through Hard Times! As I start this ministry, I would like to take the opportunity to explain to you a piece of my story. I have started each category this way to give you some insight of where I am coming from.

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From Fear to Freedom

I was overwhelmed. I felt like I didn’t have enough and I was waiting for the bomb to go off…

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About Me

Rachel is passionate about discipling people into a deeper relationship with Jesus, helping to keep Him forefront in their daily lives...   Read More


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