Hope Through Hard Times


Man Oh Man

Humans – such strange, complex, and profound beings. Intelligent and beautiful in many ways. We are crafted together with perfect finesse.

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The Three Essentials: Part Three – Spending

Everyone appreciates the satisfaction of buying something they want. You’ve worked hard for your money. You should be able to enjoy the rewards of it. It’s tough when you only see your money going to bills and debt. Can you actually get to the place where you can spend and not feel guilty? You bet you can!

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The Quirks of Declan

Dogs have personality. Our dear boy has a strong one. But I love it. He usually makes us laugh on a daily basis with all of his little quirks. The older he gets, the stronger they get. Introducing ten of Declan’s quirks:

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Sitting With You In Grief

As I was thinking about what to write I felt that I needed to sit with you in your grief. I needed to be as vulnerable as I can in this moment. So, here I am. Here’s the reality of the grief I have felt in our current loss of fertility…

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Beginnings: Birds & Fish

You wake up to the cooing of the mourning doves outside your window. You look out to see the cardinals and sparrows pecking away at the bird seed you placed in the feeder. The sun begins to rise. A new fresh day has begun.

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Do you walk into door jams, corners of walls, or other items around the room? Do you feel a little tipsy with your gait? These are all signs that your balance needs some tweaking.

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