A Pep in My Step

(Sniff) Oh the smell of spring in the air. It gets me excited. It also gets me in the mood to clean. It’s surprising how much stuff can build up in closets, basements, and cupboards when you’re not paying attention. 

With time off for March Break, it is refreshing to be able to conquer little projects around our house this week. Having an injured brain and working part-time doesn’t leave a lot of room for keeping up with house chores. In fact, that’s typically the last item of importance on my list – unless people are coming over. 

We keep up with the general cleaning (Don’t look at my shelves or the dust mites might bite). But all the extra stuff like (cough) dusting, cleaning windows, and organization fall to the wayside. So, bless these moments where life calms down and the cleaning begins!

Don’t you find it so satisfying when the house smells fresh and clean, minty in the bathroom, lemony on the floors? It’s like you’ve stepped into a vacation house. You can sink onto the freshly made sheets satisfied with your efforts. 

Since COVID has interrupted daily life for now, it is time to do the things you’ve had on your list for quite a while. The books you’ve wanted to read are piling up on your coffee table. The closets are calling out to you for some purging. You can finally contact that friend that has been on your mind for weeks now. 

It could be because I’m a  social distancing expert ( post-concussion ) that I find this time actually encouraging. It’s like God’s slowed us all down. He’s allowing us to catch up on rest, family time, and reconnecting with relationships. He’s helping us finish projects that have been hanging over our heads. Most importantly, it has created opportunities for us to look upward and catch up on some good conversations with the Lord. 

I hate getting sick! I certainly don’t want anyone else to get sick either, with anything. I guess I just understand from multiple health issues over the years that “life happens”. Illnesses, wars, financial turbulence, and many other unknowns come and go. But the “Rock” on which I stand never changes! 

So, I can hold onto hope in moments like these. I don’t have to fear. I may get COVID. I most likely will at some point. But I’m not afraid. It won’t exactly be a party. But I know that my body will either fight it by the grace of God, or, I’ll be having a perfect joy-filled party with Jesus!

The biggest gift of peace is the assurance I have that I am going to Heaven some day. I will stand before my Bridegroom in perfect love knowing that the rest of my eternity is pure bliss. All those special moments I’ve had with Him on earth will come to full light and life. What a magnificent, awesome, humbling moment that will be.

Christians, this is our time to shine Christ’s love. This is our time to show the world where they can find peace amidst this storm. We can show them how to lean in and listen to the One God that desperately wants a relationship with people. He wants to speak back. 

This is our time to offer Hope. 

Are you feeling anxious about this situation and unsure about where life is heading? If you don’t know Jesus, please send me a message. I would be honoured to talk to you!

If you do know Jesus but worry and fear is getting the best of you, I’d be happy to pray for you. Please let me know. 

Blessings to you all during this time. Keep up-to-date on information and ways to protect yourself, but don’t let it get to you. Take moments to get stuff done around the house that you’ve wanted to. Connect with others. Find creative ways to bless your community. Enjoy the moments that you can and make some good memories. Most of all, connect with Jesus. 

Hope in Him, 

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