Prayer – For those Going Through Testing
This prayer is for those who’ve been going through infertility testing for a while now.

Living Water – Part 1
Have you ever felt like your spiritual life is dry? Perhaps you’ve been a little distracted in life and haven’t made the time to really connect with the Lord? You hear of people having an amazing relationship with Him, but you feel like that’s not possible for you.

Goals, Dreams, Plans, Action = Reality
If you want to win at something, you have to have goals! What do you want in life? What are you fighting for? Do you have dreams? Hold onto hope and fight with grit!

A Tribute to My Husband
What is it that you love about your spouse? What keeps you going in the hard times? When your anniversary approaches, do you get excited, reminiscing about all the great times you’ve had together, or, do you wince at thinking you almost forgot and panic about what you’re going to get him or her?

Focus…Focus… Squirrell!
You’ve got to slow the train and harness that overachieving self! With your brain constantly firing on all cylinders, it is hard to stay on task when everything equally distracts you. Focusing on one thing at a time and doing it well is the best method for anything.

The Value of You
You are not broken! You were created with purpose; a well thought out perfect design! God did not mess up. He did not ‘miss something’. He did not make you on a whim. He knows every single detail about you and is well pleased with it.

Do You Have Enough?
Do you want to feel content? Are you challenged by the lives of others or the material goods surrounding you?

Pathway to Freedom
You’re running a race. You’re tired, thirsty, dripping with sweat, but you’re almost there. If you push yourself a little further, you’ll have the sweet victory you’ve been craving. Suddenly, you get a leg cramp. Do you push through to the end or give it all up and nurse the cramp?

Birthday Celebrations
How many of you cringe at the thought that your birthday is encroaching? Do you try to change your age when people ask? Are you one of the ones that say you’re forever 16?

Say What?!?
I stood on stage sharing my story, 200 people staring back at me, and my mind went blank…
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