Hope Through Hard Times


Allowance? How Old Am I?

Who doesn’t look forward to pay day? It’s that great time where you can watch your bank account climb and feel that hard work pay off. If you’re hard at work trying to pay off debt, give yourself a little allowance each pay.

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A Giant in Small Spaces

I was tall for my age growing up. I was the girl in the back row of school photos along with all the boys because I was a head taller than most of the other kids. Size helped me but also hindered me in ways as well.

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Celebrating Others’ Newborns

One of the biggest challenges and yet greatest blessings can be welcoming a newborn into this world. Your heart aches as you long for a child yourself. You want to hold it, feel the delicate, warm, little body pressed against your chest and snuggled in your arms. Yet, every part of you is desperately trying not to break down and sob on this beautiful newborn life.

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Sex & Marriage – Not What You Expected

Movies glam this up. Single people long for it and make jokes about it. Married people typically keep quiet or roll their eyes when the word sex is mentioned. It is a widely shown topic yet a very quiet and secretive one. It has been embellished, abused, and scrutinized. Now for the reality.

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