Adding Cardio to Your Routine

It’s getting warmer outside. It’s time to get off the couch and start a new routine. Let’s go. I know it’s hard. I know your body won’t like you for a bit. You can do it.

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Options for Infertility – IUI

Dealing with infertility is hard enough. Then there’s the task of figuring out which method to choose to have children. Do you pursue IVF or go straight to adoption? How much money do you spend pursuing these avenues? Let’s start looking at options and testimonies to see what’s right for you

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First Triumph Then Trial

You receive a wonderful gift or have an amazing moment. Then suddenly a different attitude or distraction steps in and dulls the moment. Why does that happen?

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Mile Marker Celebrations

Mile markers are crucial when you are on an adventure of achieving a big goal! When you are working towards being free, what short-term celebrations do you have in place?

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Michael’s Birthday Surprise

Are you ready to find out what the surprise was??

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B, C, and F? Are We Talking Report Cards?

Nope, but it was fun to title it that. I am talking about vitamins B-Complex, C, and iron (also known as Ferritin) though. Like I shared last week, supplements can play a large role in healing your brain and adding to recovery.

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How to Give Love When You Crave It

It can be tricky to find a balance with others when we crave a baby of our own. Find out how to invest in others while taking care of yourself.

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A Testimony of Praise

Are you praying and expecting God to move in your life? Hold onto hope that God listens and is always working. Find out what caused us to rejoice greatly this week

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Free Date Ideas You Can Do At Home

Are you bored? Having a hard time in the mundane? Here are some date ideas to help spice life up right now.

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Happy Birthday Michael!

I’m very excited to announce my husband’s birthday today! He’s a quiet, loving, generous man that deserves to be celebrated. Since we can’t do much in way of going out this year, I thought I would take my liberties and share some fun with you!

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About Me

Rachel is passionate about discipling people into a deeper relationship with Jesus, helping to keep Him forefront in their daily lives...   Read More


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