Hope Through Hard Times


Returning to the Joy of Christmas

The wonder of Christmas was beautiful to me as a child. A special annual concert at church, both for kids and adult choirs. Meals around the tables of my relatives while us grandkids ran around oblivious to any weight of the holiday. There was the excitement of presents under the tree, of a special neighbour who kindly dressed up as Santa Claus every year and blessed my brother and I with gifts on Christmas Eve (a special stop on his way around the world, of course). Then there was the pinnacle of it all: the awe of Jesus’ birth.

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Zechariah – God Changed the Heart of an Old Priest

Have you ever prayed about something for years and received seemingly no results, but because it’s now part of your daily rhythm, you still utter the words? Your heart has grown numb to the request, but your mind still goes through the motions?

Eventually, that numbness moves into other areas of your spiritual life, and it feels dry altogether?

Well, there’s good news! God is still in the business of reviving hearts and lives!

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Mary – A Beautiful Surrendered Servant of God

A young woman was faced with an incredibly phenomenal, beautiful, and yet gut-wrenchingly hard assignment – to mother the Son of God. Unless inspired by the Holy Spirit Himself, no one would believe this woman was impregnated by Him. This story oozed perceived scandal, one that should have led to her death. How did this woman survive such a weighty commitment?

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How to Best Use Your Credit Card

Do you still use cash for most purchases, or are credit cards your most frequent way of spending? It’s easy; just tap, insert, or swipe your card and the product is yours without having to think or feel the difference of how much you spent.

Let Jennifer teach you how best to use your credit card, to keep yourself from racking up a bunch of debt, and what better time to learn/be reminded in the highest spending week of the entire year!

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Faith, Uncategorized

Joseph – Faithful Obedience in a Difficult Situation

Upon asking the Lord for refreshed eyes and heart to understand the deeper truths of His divine conception, I am marveling at the Lord’s work in humble people. His direction this year in studying the Christmas story has highlighted the sacrifice and reward of being a follower of Jesus, no matter the cost.

This first takes you and me to the incredible story of Joseph, Mary’s betrothed, in Matthew 1

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How to Claim Victory Over Spiritual Warfare in Infertility

The battle rages in your mind. What if you caused the infertility? Questions beyond a humanly possible answer. lies, and other discouragements try to drive you into despair when it comes to your infertility.

Where is it all coming from and how do you make it stop? Did you know there’s a way to claim victory and find peace and joy while working through infertility?

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