Browsing Category: Faith


Ezra 7 – The Hand of God

It is clear that both kings Darius and Artaxerxes understood the Lord as “the God of heaven” (Ezra 7:12). They recognized His authority there, as well as over Israel and Jerusalem. The fear of the Lord was on these rulers as they handed permission and provision to the Israelites to return to their country and serve their God. There are a number of ways that the LORD showed Himself as sovereign and present in this chapter:

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Ezra 4 – A Time of Testing

The pattern of life with Yahweh is pretty consistent. He is predictable in His life with us. That may sound crazy with all of the unexpected things that happen, but let’s pause and take a step back to gain a broader perspective for a moment.

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Ezra – God’s Redeeming Grace

When there was something important the Lord wanted His followers to hear in the Bible, He would repeat the word two to three times to draw attention to it. He continues to do this in our present lives as well. This message of redeeming grace continues to come up in my daily reading, in testimonies I’m listening to, and in my own life’s circumstances.

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Make the Enemy Flee by Turning to God

As I resisted the Devil and drew near to God, He drew near to me. I could feel the anger give way to peace. Through asking the Lord for help and singing the songs, I held up my fists of prayer and praise. The Lord then guarded my mind and heart and the enemy had to flee.

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Why I Created Our New Verse Packs

… “Lord, I am so done with all of this. I need You! I know I need to be in Your word. I’m sorry for trying to be in control and run everything by my own wisdom… Show me the way. I’m tired of this life without You being in the center of it all. Please help me to be disciplined in time with You and in the Bible every day. I need Your sustenance. I love You. I’ll do whatever it takes. I just need more of You…”

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