Browsing Tag: Christian testimony

Inspire Hope Podcast

The Gospel Saved Our Marriage!

“With complete certainty, we can say that our marriage and our family would not be here if it weren’t for the gospel. Learning the story of the Cross and the Empty Tomb through the lens of the Old Testament stories helped us understand the Gospel. It had the power to change our lives and save our marriage, and it did!”

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Inspire Hope Podcast

A Father’s Love Exposed through a Child’s Letter

Have you given a gift to someone you thought he might like but didn’t find out until later the significance it held for him? Have you received such a gift?

Anna wrote her father a letter when he was 65 years old. On this episode, find out what happened to it, the significance it held for a number of people, and how God used it to propel Anna into her successful writing ministry!

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Guest Writers

Chosen: A Life Changing Discovery of Adoption

There are certain events in life that you never forget. More often than not, it’s usually the type of circumstance that ambushes your senses, a seismic disruption of the ground beneath your feet. The type of thing that you never see coming, but leaves you dazed and disoriented in its wake. Such was the day when I inadvertently discovered my earthly origin.

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Inspire Hope Podcast, Uncategorized

Hope Found During Challenging Financial, Business, and Relational Situations

You’ve felt the yoyo effect of business and finances. For a time you were doing really well and making great gains, but the next thing you know, you’re handing the keys of your house and car over to the bank. How do you navigate the shame and embarrassment of perceived failure?

You were pursuing education for the job you’ve always dreamed of doing, but it wasn’t going as you had planned. Now, not only have you quit school, your wedding engagement is called off, and church and family relationships are struggling. How do you know what to do next?

Many of these scenarios are quite common. Either yourself or someone you know has/is working through them. Each of these causes you to test your faith. This was the case for Andrena Sawyer. Tune into today’s episode as she shares with Rachel how she learned to cling to God, surrender her plans, and instead, embrace the ones He had for her, along the surprises and blessings she experienced from Him because of it.

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