To Make a Life or Save a Life?

Michael and I were left with the choice to make. Do we make a life or save a life? Time was ticking and we had to choose quickly

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Faith Filled Stories – Zechariah

What we cannot see in the present can leave room for doubt and questioning of God’s purpose for us. However, when we can set all of that aside, we can be assured that God is building our character for something great.

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A Prayer for this School Year

A prayer for all those heading back to school tomorrow: parents, students, teachers, and educational staff. No matter what type of schooling you’ve chosen for your family, this prayer is for you

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Covering College & University Costs

Are you or someone you know heading off to college or University this fall? Are you already panicking about the massive amounts of student loans you’re going to rack up?

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Dealing With Strong-Willed Children

Do you have a stubborn or strong-willed child at home? Are you dreading getting them into routine for the school year? Do they fight with you about what to wear? I too was one of those children. Good thing my Mom had a lot of patience, love, and innovativeness.

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Praise Your Maker

It’s time to pause in our quest for children and thank the Lord for our own lives.

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A Love Letter from God

I didn’t want to post this today. This is something I feel is personal to me, but I felt the Lord keep saying, “post that one”. So, here it is. I pray this speaks to someone’s heart and leads them closer to Jesus today.

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CERB & EI Warning

It’s certainly been a whacky year. We’ve all had our opinions on how things should have been done. Some of us have had to trust in the government’s support when our jobs got put on hold. We’ve done what is necessary to hang on and keep going.

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One Blind Date Continued

The blind date that won my heart continues…

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Travailing Travel Tips

Does the thought of getting in the car make you want to walk sideways and find the quickest puke bucket? Are you destined to get away from home for a bit but the thought of traveling anywhere outside a ten kilometres radius seem insurmountable? Here are some tips to help you survive the trip

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About Me

Rachel is passionate about discipling people into a deeper relationship with Jesus, helping to keep Him forefront in their daily lives...   Read More


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