Browsing Category: Inspire Hope Podcast

Inspire Hope Podcast

Episode 14 – Could You Do It?

In this episode Brennan and Rhonda Cattani share some of the journey that God brought them on as he prepared them to plant a church in a core neighbourhood in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. Their discovery was not groundbreaking, but it certainly was life-changing;  the discovery that all of life is church and church is all of life.

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Inspire Hope Podcast

Episode 13 – A Few Outcasts and a Lowly Babe

Have you ever felt worthless? Unwanted? You know your past better than anyone. Why would God want to use a broken person like you? Have you questioned if God could ever use you to do anything important for Him? You’re not alone in those thoughts.

However, today’s story will prove you wrong. Find out how special you are and the ways God can interrupt your quiet life to bring His message of hope to others.

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Inspire Hope Podcast

Episode 11 – The Cost of Freedom

We appreciate the peace we can have because of the price our brave men and women have paid for our freedom. We understand war does immense damage and that soldiers more often than not are greatly affected by this. Today, we want to remind you that there’s always hope! Someone understands the price you’ve paid and how to heal your deeply marked wounds. Listen to the episode to find out more.

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Inspire Hope Podcast

Episode 10 – What Are You Carrying?

The Devil can be sneaky. He has a way of manipulating truth to convince you parts of the Bible don’t apply to you, both good and hard. How do you recognize his voice apart from God’s? Can you have victory over the enemy? Hear what lie Rachel didn’t know she was believing until it was exposed. We pray her story will help you find truth and freedom in yours too.

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