Browsing Category: Finances


Giving for God’s or My Glory?

Matthew 6 is full of great money managing advice. It also shows you that your spiritual life and financial situation are often tied closely together. Either your heart is inclined to boast, be proud, and flaunt what you have, storing up treasures for yourself. Or, it is humble, quiet, and focused on what God wants for you, with an eternal kingdom focus. Though the contrasts sound quite different, it can be hard to really see which category you fall in at times.

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What Does a Rainbow and Finances Have in Common?

Majority of people are visual learners. We tend to be forgetful when we get caught up in day-to-day life. Even God Himself put a reminder before Him and people to see a rainbow and be reminded of His promise. God has a perfect memory. He hasn’t, nor will He ever, forget that promise. But He still sees the importance of having that sign there.

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Generosity & Financial Freedom

You’ve heard me share on here about the importance of becoming debt free, having a plan, and being financially healthy. We are to be faithful stewards of God’s money. However, I never expected our journey of becoming debt free to be as transformational as it has proven to be.

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Creative Gift Ideas – Part 2

…As I sat and admired the decorations, the wife and I got into a conversation about Christmas traditions. There was one in particular that stuck with me from that conversation that I’d like to pass on to you now.

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Creative Gift Ideas – Part 1

Are you having trouble thinking about what to get your loved ones this Christmas? Do they have everything they need? Are you tight on a budget? (No, this isn’t an ad for Christmas Comfort Boxes, but by all means, feel free to check them out!)

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What to Do When Your Income/Finances Increase

It’s typical to think of what to do if you take a hit financially, but a question not asked, is what to do if it increases? Unless you dream about an exorbitant increase, you don’t typically think or plan for the slight increases. It all seems like a great bonus, yet can disappear like the rest of your money. So, it’s important to have a plan for that as well.

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