Browsing Category: Finances


What to do When Your Income Dips

If you’re on the adventure of paying off debt, if can feel really discouraging when your income dips, or you lose your job. You may have been making great strides, but suddenly the momentum gets derailed. What do you do?

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What’s Your Story?

We all have one. There’s a reason we are all striving for something. We get up each morning, go to work, and put our effort in for the day. We work in order to provide for our families and because God calls us to.
But being that we have to work, many of us need to find things to keep us motivated in it

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Home Renos – Where to Begin

You bought an old home and realized the renovations were more than you had planned. Tearing back those old walls revealed stories of construction days gone by. Though it’s nostalgic, it’s not going to benefit you now. What do you do?

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Bring on the Points!

How many of you only shop at stores that offer a point system? Do you find it a little addicting? Do you buy double or triple of an item because it has a sale on or extra points that week?

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My Friend Flipp

I would see one of my moms sit at the table and spend a considerable amount of time going through each flyer and cutting out the coupons. Then she would take a whole morning driving to various grocery stores to get the items on sale. Was it really worth it to go to all that trouble to only save a few dollars?

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Balancing the Restaurant Budget

Michael and I thoroughly enjoy eating out. We’ve got our favourite spots from as quick as a burger at Wendy’s to the finer dining of Montana’s and the Keg. We delight in good food and the experience of going out on a date together of any kind

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Prepping for Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving dinners can be expensive. Depending on how many people you’re feeding, you could have a turkey that costs anywhere from $25-$45. That’s just for the turkey. Then you’ve got the mashed potatoes, side dishes, desserts, drinks, etc. Is your family coming for the weekend? Now you’ve got the costs of breakfasts and lunches as well. Instead of feeling overwhelmed at the financial responsibility, let’s divvy some of that up.

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Getting Back on Track

Summer is slowly drifting into the beautiful colours of fall. Kids are back to school, vacations are coming to an end, and the fun of all things pumpkin have begun. Now’s a great time to get back in routine and your finances on track.

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