Browsing Category: Testimonies

A Challenge of Faith

The Lord gives us exciting opportunities to stretch our faith and trust in Him. Sometimes they are exciting and others gives our nerves a good kick of adrenaline. Either way, it’s up to us to accept the opportunity and explore His lessons and blessings on the other side.

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Testimonies are Motivating

Have you ever heard a story of someone overcoming hardship that inspired you to make changes in your own life?

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Our Sweet Marileisy – Miracles Do Happen

I couldn’t take it. This poor child. I pleaded with the Lord on her behalf. We prayed all morning for a miracle, that the Lord would help us to bring a smile to her face that day.

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Our Sweet Marileisy

She was an adorable child. She had beautiful black curly hair. She had a petite figure and was wearing a sweet plaid dress. But something about her eyes broke my heart. She looked incredibly sad. No slight form of smile reached her eyes. I was determined to meet this girl. I needed to know her story. Her name was Marileisy.

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Renewing the Vision

When we ask, God answers. Michael took me somewhere last Monday night. I didn’t really feel up to it, but felt I should go. As we stood in the place, I was filled with tears of awe. The Lord opened my spiritual eyes to see where He was taking me with Hope Through Hard Times…

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About Me

Rachel is passionate about discipling people into a deeper relationship with Jesus, helping to keep Him forefront in their daily lives...   Read More


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