Browsing Tag: Prayer


Learning Effective Prayer through the Lens of God’s Love for Us

Do you want to know God more? Do you want to discern what His voice sounds like? How you can have a more effective prayer life? These have also been my desire. I want to always listen and know when God speaks to me, and be quicker to obedience as a result. It would be amazing to study through the Scriptures how to strategize and tactfully execute the things the Lord calls us to through prayer, and know how to best apply them.

Though that was my original intent in beginning my Bible reading through Genesis again, the Lord revealed to me an even deeper desire in my spirit as His Spirit illuminated another theme in this context…

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A Prayer for this School Year

A prayer for all those heading back to school tomorrow: parents, students, teachers, and educational staff. No matter what type of schooling you’ve chosen for your family, this prayer is for you

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Elk, Goats, and Bears, Oh My!

I think God enjoys us challenging Him sometimes. I think He likes showing off His power and might to us. When we ask Him for things that are outside of our control, and only He can do something with, He will often show up in cool ways

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