Browsing Tag: Christian podcast

Inspire Hope Podcast

A Father’s Love Exposed through a Child’s Letter

Have you given a gift to someone you thought he might like but didn’t find out until later the significance it held for him? Have you received such a gift?

Anna wrote her father a letter when he was 65 years old. On this episode, find out what happened to it, the significance it held for a number of people, and how God used it to propel Anna into her successful writing ministry!

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Inspire Hope Podcast

Mothers Day Special: Spiritual Warfare in Motherhood

Moms, are you in the middle of the chaos with your kids? Do you feel overwhelmed, having a difficult time keeping up with the demanding routines of your household? Do you have days where you’re “tapped out?” Are the voices in your head telling you, you’re a bad mom?

Tess can relate! She’s a mom to eight boys and has lived in the chaos for years! Tune in to today’s episode to gain Biblical insight and encouragement for this “freakshow” life.

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Inspire Hope Podcast

Do You See Doubting Thomas Negatively or Positively?

Are you on team Rachel, seeing Doubting Thomas as more of a negative response to Jesus, or team Sammy, seeing it as a positive?

Would you consider yourself a “Doubting Thomas,” a Denying Peter, or a Courageous John?

In today’s special Easter episode, Sammy and Rachel take a look at Jesus’ response to the disciples after His resurrection.

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Inspire Hope Podcast

What is Spiritual Warfare

Do you know there’s a war taking place you cannot see, and that you’ve actually been a part of it?

Spiritual warfare is something a lot of us in North America fear talking about. We want to avoid the topic because if we’re ignorant about it, we can pretend it doesn’t exist, right?

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Inspire Hope Podcast

Episode 14 – Could You Do It?

In this episode Brennan and Rhonda Cattani share some of the journey that God brought them on as he prepared them to plant a church in a core neighbourhood in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. Their discovery was not groundbreaking, but it certainly was life-changing;  the discovery that all of life is church and church is all of life.

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