When Feistiness Gets in the Way of Obedience

Though stereotypes can be annoying and inaccurate at times, I must confess that the one about redheads is not far off; we’re a feisty bunch! Every strength has its “ceilings and its basements.” The “ceiling” of feistiness can be very beneficial. It’s a personality trait God’s given some to help endure in hard times. It gives an extra dose of courage in daring to try new things. It even can bring out a spunky edge of fun in someone, creating exciting opportunities. However, feistiness also has another side to it. The “basement” of feistiness is stubbornness and anger.

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If Only There Was a Warning Sign: Rough Road Ahead!

“The promise is not a life without storms, but his nearness when the waves crash against us.”

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To Sell or to Stay? That is the Big Question

Michael and I began praying about selling our house a couple years ago. It was an idea we sat on for a while. There was still much work to be done and I was not yet in a physical state to help him. As we continued to pray and wait, the feeling grew, as well as the plans. There were many possibilities brought to the table, all interconnected with other plans/dreams we’ve had.

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The King of Kings Has Won the Victory!

I’m sure you’ve had a situation in life where hope has dwindled after the stormy trial tarries on. The burden weighs heavy and God’s promises seem so far removed. You pray and wait, but the longer it goes, the more doubt creeps in, making God’s word seem like a nice fairy tale. But deep within your heart lies the anchor of your faith, believing even if a little, that He will come through for you.

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Do You See Doubting Thomas Negatively or Positively?

Are you on team Rachel, seeing Doubting Thomas as more of a negative response to Jesus, or team Sammy, seeing it as a positive? Would you consider yourself a “Doubting Thomas,” a Denying Peter, or a Courageous John? In today’s special Easter episode, Sammy and Rachel take a look at Jesus’ response to the disciples after His resurrection.

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Chosen: A Life Changing Discovery of Adoption

There are certain events in life that you never forget. More often than not, it’s usually the type of circumstance that ambushes your senses, a seismic disruption of the ground beneath your feet. The type of thing that you never see coming, but leaves you dazed and disoriented in its wake. Such was the day when I inadvertently discovered my earthly origin.

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Walking through Suffering Gives Hope and Life to Others

Are you in a season of suffering? Hold onto hope; this time is not wasted. There is great impact and reward in your pain! As you reflect upon Jesus’ death on the cross in today’s post, you’ll see why the Father didn’t remove Him from His own suffering, and the impact, and reward because of it.

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Do You Know What Tax Deductions You’re Eligible for?

We are currently in the midst of personal income tax season in Canada. While most of us understand that we need to get a tax return filed each year, do you really understand why and what things you might be eligible to claim? Let’s dive in to help educate ourselves on a personal Canadian income tax return.

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How Sorrowful Suffering Leads to Regal Redemption

There are many who experiencing a degree of sorrow right now for various reasons; perhaps you are one of them. How do you move forward when all joy and passion seem lost to you? Let’s visit the garden of Gethsemane and see what Jesus did in His time of sorrow.

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It’s Been Six Years Since Our Infertility Confirmation

On one hand, we’ve moved on and established other areas of our lives that we had put on hold. We’re enjoying the quietness of the nights to sleep and our mornings with the Lord. We appreciate the freedom to dedicate our time to work, our church, family, friends, and each other. We’re blessed with our sweet fur-baby, Mac. On the other hand, nothing has changed. We were without children at the start of our marriage and we still are today. Our family remains two. Or has it?

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About Me

Rachel is passionate about discipling people into a deeper relationship with Jesus, helping to keep Him forefront in their daily lives...   Read More


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