Is Sin Crouching at Your Door? Hold on, there’s Hope!

The Lord graciously warned Cain that the enemy was tempting him to commit sin, like his parents had. But he didn’t have to give in. The Lord had provided a way of escape. Do you feel like temptation wants to overtake you? Are you craving something you know isn’t part of God’s good order? Hold on, there’s hope for you!

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The Heart of Abundance – A Short-Term Mission Trip Experience

Six months of preparation. Countless team meetings, multiple fundraising events, hours of prayer and studying the word together. A large amount of time and effort was spent just making sure everything was in order to travel as a team of 29, many being minors or first time travelers. Coordinating travel plans, itineraries, how and where to serve the people of Guatemala. Preparing my family, a husband on shift work and two children, mentally, emotionally, practically and spiritually – how would they cope with me being gone; not just away from home but, at times, unable to be reached? Was God going to be as present back home as I suspected He would be on this trip? Was this six months of preparation really going to be worth exchanging for nine days in Guatemala?

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Can You Spot God’s Love in Genesis 3?

What is your instant reaction when you read Genesis 3? What aspect of God stands out to you most in this chapter? Ex. Creator, All-Sovereign, wrathful, Judge? Is it possible to experience yet another perspective in this well-known Bible story; one of God’s love?

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Changes are Coming to Hope Through Hard Times!

A shift is happening here and we’re excited to share with you what’s coming! Hear what God’s been up to and get a snapshot of the changes about to take place in today’s post!

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Learning Effective Prayer through the Lens of God’s Love for Us

Do you want to know God more? Do you want to discern what His voice sounds like? How you can have a more effective prayer life? These have also been my desire. I want to always listen and know when God speaks to me, and be quicker to obedience as a result. It would be amazing to study through the Scriptures how to strategize and tactfully execute the things the Lord calls us to through prayer, and know how to best apply them. Though that was my original intent in beginning my Bible reading through Genesis again, the Lord revealed to me an even deeper desire in my spirit as His Spirit illuminated another theme in this context…

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An Adventure of Understanding God’s Love

My dad and stepmom were getting ready to leave for a trip, so I phoned them the night before to hear how things were coming together, to bless their time away, and remind them of my love for them. It was a good chat. Near the end of the conversation, my dad paused in contemplative silence for a moment then said, “I love you very much… Do you know how much I love you? …I love you so so much.” Tears filled my eyes. My heart hadn’t known how much I needed to hear those genuine words.

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A Father’s Love Exposed through a Child’s Letter

Have you given a gift to someone you thought he might like but didn’t find out until later the significance it held for him? Have you received such a gift? Anna wrote her father a letter when he was 65 years old. On this episode, find out what happened to it, the significance it held for a number of people, and how God used it to propel Anna into her successful writing ministry!

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From Apathetic Anger to a Spirit of Joy!

Something wasn’t completely right with my body a few weeks ago. After waiting a week to see if the symptom would subside, I booked an appointment with my doctor who then scheduled me for an ultrasound. Thankfully, the receptionist phoned the day after the test, but her response left me more questions than answers as “nothing acute showed…”

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One Body + Many Parts = Jesus Christ to the World

If you’re a follower of Jesus Christ, then you’re a child of the Living and Only God. As I shared last week in “Rolling out the Red Carpet for God’s Children,” The Lord has lavished many incredible gifts upon you, including the Holy Spirit as the down payment of your inheritance. In the Spirit is a whole set of other gifts you are given in order to mature in the likeness of Jesus, and to be His light to those around you.

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No More Guilt: Finding Freedom From Fear And Shame

Do you understand who you are in Christ; not just in mind but also in heart? Do you know how God sees you? Which voice are you listening to? Fear? Shame? Truth? Did you know that fear and shame are not in you? They are their own voices who taunt you to believe the enemy’s lies. Sammy and Rachel expose the lies, refute with truth, and help empower you to speak the voice of truth over you!

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About Me

Rachel is passionate about discipling people into a deeper relationship with Jesus, helping to keep Him forefront in their daily lives...   Read More


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