Browsing Category: Life


The Delicious Smell of Autumn in the Kitchen

It was warm in our kitchen. The oven was preheating to cook the deliciousness awaiting it. My little cheeks were sprinkled with flour as my momma and I rolled out the dough. A handful of sugar, a touch of cinnamon and nutmeg, a dollop of butter…

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Starting Over

Have you given up something in the past, but never fully lost the desire to pursue it – a job, a hobby, etc.? You think about it. You talk about it with others and research it when you have a spare moment, but the action’s yet to be started?

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Hope for Broken Family Relationships

There are certainly many components to my testimony, most of which I’ll share over time with you, but the one I want to highlight today is critical in today’s society because divorce is rampant.

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Life – Praising the Lord!

Get the latest exciting updates on my post-concussion syndrome recovery, as well as a few more thrilling updates for Hope Through Hard Times!
We also need your help! Read on…

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Life, Uncategorized

New Life

Ah! The freshness of spring. The birds are beginning to return and the morning is filled with the sounds of their chirping. Bunnies are popping up everywhere along with the spring flowers. The grass is turning green and the trees are budding. Life is returning after the dreary cold.

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Gratitude & Growth – Nine Years Together

I am so incredibly honoured and blessed to be married to Michael Van Pelt. I praise the Lord for the man He gave me to marry.

Though Michael and I are different in many ways, I find most times that our different personalities complement each other well…

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