Browsing Category: Faith


A Testimony of Praise

Are you praying and expecting God to move in your life? Hold onto hope that God listens and is always working. Find out what caused us to rejoice greatly this week

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Overcoming Fear with Faith

It was a dark cloudy night. The waves beat ruthlessly against the boat. The men shook cold and soaked in fear. Another restless, questionable night on the open sea. Some of them were fisherman. They should know how to handle the boat on a night like this…

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Man Oh Man

Humans – such strange, complex, and profound beings. Intelligent and beautiful in many ways. We are crafted together with perfect finesse.

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Beginnings: Birds & Fish

You wake up to the cooing of the mourning doves outside your window. You look out to see the cardinals and sparrows pecking away at the bird seed you placed in the feeder. The sun begins to rise. A new fresh day has begun.

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Beginnings – Sun, Moon, and Stars

Stars are like the imagery of God. At the beginning of our understanding, we only see a little twinkle in the sky. But as we zoom in through different sized lenses of telescopes, our vision and understanding begins to grow

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Beginnings: Vegetation

Have you ever been fascinated by the fact that a tiny little seed can turn into multiple apples? Then, by taking the seeds from the inside and planting those, that it can produce even more fruit?
Come and explore with me how the Lord has used His vegetation for pivotal moments in Scripture

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Beginnings: The Great Expanse

You’re lying on the grass in a park on a summer’s day. You’re looking up at the sky, making shapes out of the clouds, taking in the beauty and warmth. Then you begin to wonder – what is up there? How is this earth held together? How do clouds float?

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