Browsing Category: Faith


Working Through Grief

Grief is a strange and uncomfortable thing to go through, no matter how familiar it may be. I liken it to a boat in a storm. No matter how seasoned a sailor you are, there’s always a big wave that can rock the boat. We never expect it. No one can. When it hits, it’s all consuming.

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A Man, a Tree, and a Pursuit

Do you ever feel like you’re on pursuit towards something that’s almost right there? You can see it in the distance. You know if you work a little harder, you’ll get it?

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Wrestling with God

Are you ever in a circumstance where you’re not sure where your life is going? Every time you try to do something, it seems to end up working against you? Why is that and what do you do about it?

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A Testimony of Praise

Are you praying and expecting God to move in your life? Hold onto hope that God listens and is always working. Find out what caused us to rejoice greatly this week

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Overcoming Fear with Faith

It was a dark cloudy night. The waves beat ruthlessly against the boat. The men shook cold and soaked in fear. Another restless, questionable night on the open sea. Some of them were fisherman. They should know how to handle the boat on a night like this…

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