Browsing Category: Faith

The Calmer of the Storm

It felt great to be in the water and stretching my muscles again. I got a ways out, feeling oxygen course through my body. It felt so freeing and fun, like I was back doing laps or swimming off the coast of Oahu. Then, like a flip of a switch, my body went weak. I was suddenly exhausted. Swell after swell washed over me. I’d just catch my breath and the next one would hit. I was far enough out that I couldn’t really touch the sand.

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My Dear Friends

I want to share something with you that keeps stirring within my heart. Something I discovered five years ago that has been transforming my life ever since. It’s simple, and something you may not understand the full weight of just yet. But I pray in time that you will.

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Surrender and Redemption

I was lost. I didn’t know which way to turn. I had just made the biggest mistake in my life. Yet, I noticed that I felt numb. For somebody who is known to be emotional, I felt nothing. It wasn’t just an emotional numb, it was a spiritual numbness. I had gone too far, crossed a huge line. I could feel the connection with the Lord stop. That’s when I knew something had to change.

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Bread & Life – Part 2

What did Jesus mean when He said He is the Bread of Life? Who was He talking to? How does it relate to feeding 5,000 people?

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Bread and Life? – Part 1

It is easy to get lost in the miracles of Jesus, but miss the application that He was trying to make. While I was sitting with Him a couple weeks ago, He brought an old story into a whole new light.

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Working Through Grief

Grief is a strange and uncomfortable thing to go through, no matter how familiar it may be. I liken it to a boat in a storm. No matter how seasoned a sailor you are, there’s always a big wave that can rock the boat. We never expect it. No one can. When it hits, it’s all consuming.

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“Lead Me to the Rock”

He is my Rock and Firm Foundation. In all seasons, I can trust that He is unshakable

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A Groaning World

What do we do? Some say listen. Some say speak out. What is right? No one really knows, so we need to go back to truth.

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A Man, a Tree, and a Pursuit

Do you ever feel like you’re on pursuit towards something that’s almost right there? You can see it in the distance. You know if you work a little harder, you’ll get it?

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Finding Your Calling

Calling – It’s a word I often struggled with. How do you know what God wants you to do? How do you live with purpose?

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About Me

Rachel is passionate about discipling people into a deeper relationship with Jesus, helping to keep Him forefront in their daily lives...   Read More


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