Browsing Category: Faith

Beginnings: The Great Expanse

You’re lying on the grass in a park on a summer’s day. You’re looking up at the sky, making shapes out of the clouds, taking in the beauty and warmth. Then you begin to wonder – what is up there? How is this earth held together? How do clouds float?

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Beginnings – Light and Darkness

The first full day began. Time and the calendar were created. We were able to record history from that point on. How wonderful. How profound!

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Beginnings…Heaven and Earth

I want to bring us back to the beginning of it all; to remind us of the beauty and perfection of creation. To reflect upon our Creator. To be reminded of why we worship.

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Living Water – Part 2

My parched soul tapped into the “Living Water”. I began to crave my time with the Lord each morning. I could feel it if I missed a day. My day wouldn’t flow well, I would be crankier and more self-focused, less loving.

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Living Water – Part 1

Have you ever felt like your spiritual life is dry? Perhaps you’ve been a little distracted in life and haven’t made the time to really connect with the Lord? You hear of people having an amazing relationship with Him, but you feel like that’s not possible for you.

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Do You Have Enough?

Do you want to feel content? Are you challenged by the lives of others or the material goods surrounding you?

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Finding Light in Your Darkness

…There is power in His name! There is strength and healing in Jesus’ name! No matter how hard it got, God is victorious and helped me to overcome!

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Letting Go

Her eyes were completely bloodshot from tears. She was broken with grief, stuck in her bed with no will to get out. Her heart had been shattered and she felt there was no purpose or direction in life. The fight had been drained from her…

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God’s Work in Me

Welcome to Hope through Hard Times! As I start this ministry, I would like to take the opportunity to explain to you a piece of my story. I have started each category this way to give you some insight of where I am coming from.

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About Me

Rachel is passionate about discipling people into a deeper relationship with Jesus, helping to keep Him forefront in their daily lives...   Read More


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