“Lead Me to the Rock”

God always goes before you. No matter what season you’re in, He’s there, ready and waiting for you. He’s paved the way and is encouraging you forward. He’s cheering you on.  

When the ground that you’re walking on seems shaky and there’s lots of unknowns looming in the air, look “to the Rock that is higher than [you]”.  – Psalm 61:2

Michael and I had been in an incredibly refreshing season. When life got crazy and messy for a lot of people when COVID struck, ours became peaceful.

 I was able to do my vision therapy online instead of making the three-hour drive (there and back) to the clinic each week.   I was home more, which meant I was able to rest, pick up some of the house responsibilities, and do research for the blog. This also gave me time to be more attentive for Michael when he came home from work. He was working longer hours, so was appreciative of my help. 

All of our evening activities halted. Life was peaceful and quite enjoyable. 

We saw the Lord work in really cool ways. With the vision therapy being paid for, we were able to refocus our efforts on paying off our mortgage. We slowly regained excitement and momentum. After a while, we saw the Lord work in other financial ways, blessing our efforts and filling up our “cups”.

It was a season of thankfulness to the Lord. We saw His hand of protection and provision. We were so grateful for our house, the abundance of food on our table, and the jobs we were still able to keep. We didn’t take what we had for granted as we knew so many others were struggling. 

Now we’re stepping into a season of testing. That’s life, right? We cannot stay in bliss all the time, because we aren’t in heaven yet. We can’t grow in faith if it isn’t challenged. 

Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds, for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness. And let steadfastness have its full effect, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing.” – James 1:2-4

I just posted last week about the progress of my health. It was going well. Now I’ve got more symptoms again for some reason. I’ve had to work through a relationship issue. Now I’ve received the news that I’ve lost my job due to cutbacks in budget because of COVID. 

I admit it has drained me emotionally. I am tired. Tired of feeling gross physically again. I tend to want to take control when I have unknowns in my life. So, I’m wrestling through that and working with the Lord on letting it go. I need to take it day by day with Him. 

As I look back on the previous few months, I can see how the Lord was preparing the way. What was coming was not a shock to Him. He was already living in that time, going before us, and creating the plans for what was and is to come. 

Even though my emotions might be up or down at any moment of the day right now, my spirit is deeply anchored in the peace that the Lord will continue to lead, protect, and provide. He has given us the tools to be financially savvy. He’s prepared our accounts to handle the time in between jobs. He’s continuing to provide for my health and therapy. 

I can trust that the “Rock” on which I stand will not shake or crack. 

Hear my cry, O God,
 listen to my prayer;
from the end of the earth I call to you
 when my heart is faint.
Lead me to the rock
 that is higher than I,
for you have been my refuge,
 a strong tower against the enemy
.” – Psalm 61:1-3

Trials are a regular occurrence in life. They come like the waves on the ocean. Sometimes constant, other time sporadic. When they come, where do you look?

“I lift up my eyes to the hills.
 From where does my help come?
My help comes from the Lord,
 who made heaven and earth.

He will not let your foot be moved;
 he who keeps you will not slumber.

…The Lord will keep
 your going out and your coming in
 from this time forth and forevermore
” – Psalm 121:1-3,8

If you have a relationship with Jesus, you can rest assured that He is for you. He will lead the way. He has a good and perfect plan set forth just for you. And He’s smiling, waiting to show you what’s next. 

That’s why we can “count it all joy” when we endure trials. We can secure our hearts in the fact that the LORD is working out His great character in us. We will be steadfast and grounded in Him. The more grounded in Him, the more you can be a testimony for Him to others. 

It’s not that you won’t deal with the grief and emotions of the change of circumstances. It’s that your soul and spirit will not be tossed like waves. You can lean into the peace that God’s in control. He is smiling and excited to walk through this with you, because He knows what great things lie ahead because of it. 

Therefore, as I walk through my own testing of faith, I am leaning into Jesus. I’m trusting that He has something lined up for me that’ll allow me to continue to pursue what He’s calling me to. 

Where is the Lord showing Himself as a Rock to you right now? Are you seeing signs of Him working and providing for you? I’d love to hear about it. Send me a message or comment below. Let’s share the goodness of the Lord. We are to testify of His great faithfulness. 

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