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Vision Therapy Update

Life takes community. It takes supporting and cheering one another on. I have been so blessed with all the encouragement I’ve had from many of you along my concussion journey. Since I know there have been people praying for me, I wanted to take a moment to explain where things are at.

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Looking Toward Easter

What does Easter mean to me? Why? What does it mean to you? Are you preparing your heart, mind, soul, and spirit? Has the Bible story because monotonous to you? Let’s take this month to look afresh at the hope we have in Jesus Christ.

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Guest Writers

Finding Freedom in Friendship

It was over lunch. My friend and colleague calmly pointed out “I don’t maintain relationships with anyone I can’t go deep with. I’m not interested in talking about fashion, the latest movies, or reality TV shows. I want friends with whom I can share the real stuff that’s going on inside – friends I can be transparent with.”

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Have Confidence in His Love

As we deepen our understanding of knowledge and love for God, we begin to get a glimpse of how deep the Father’s love for us truly goes. The more we understand that, the more we grow in our identity in Him, the more confidence and boldness we gain when approaching the throne of God, and handling the world’s hate of Him and us.

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Generosity & Financial Freedom

You’ve heard me share on here about the importance of becoming debt free, having a plan, and being financially healthy. We are to be faithful stewards of God’s money. However, I never expected our journey of becoming debt free to be as transformational as it has proven to be.

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Knowing and Loving God

As I shared in our weekly email, the word, know, has been coming up a lot in my studies through 2 Peter and 1 John. Many of us read that word and carry on with the basic understanding we have of it. Yet in Scripture, there are moments where the word know carries a much deeper meaning.

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Making Tough Decisions

Something came up and challenged Michael and I. We were in our own little world, settled and enjoying life, when an fertility idea came up. An idea we hadn’t spoken about in a while. We had surrendered and gotten comfortable in our way of life.

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The Lover of My Soul Continued

As I stepped out of the chapel at the end, everything was quiet again. I looked up and saw the multitude of stars fill the sky in a brilliant array. I was captivated in awe, as the reminder of the Indescribable talk came to mind. Evidence of God was everywhere around me. Though my heart was still struggling and I was wrestling with the Lord about so many things, He continued to break down the barriers and woo my heart for Him.

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