Browsing Category: Sustaining Hope

Why Did I Write Sustaining Hope?
This month marks the first anniversary of my book, Sustaining Hope! I chose to be quite open in the book for three reasons…
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Surprises in Financial Goal Planning
Have you ever achieved a goal? Have you appreciated the amazing gift it is when you accomplished it? More importantly, did you notice the surprising blessings that happened along the way to motivate you towards the finish line?
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Four Years Later
March 14 marked four years since Michael and I received confirmation about our infertility. Putting myself back in that time, I didn’t see how we would ever be able to move forward from that news
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The Book is Written!
… I am so excited to share with you that the first draft of the book is officially written! The Lord has finished this part of our story. I would like to introduce you to (insert drumroll here): …
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About Me
Rachel is passionate about discipling people into a deeper relationship with Jesus, helping to keep Him forefront in their daily lives... Read More
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