The Book is Written!

You might have heard me mention over the last little while on our social media about a book that I’ve been writing. Last year I talked about a book for people suffering from concussions. Though it is still in the works to get that out to you, there is something that the Lord pressed more on my heart to write. It is a story that encapsulates Hope Through Hard Times’ topics. It’s my testimony of what the Lord has done through our marriage, my health, our infertility, and finances. It’s an opportunity for you to journey with us, through the highs and lows, hearing the powerful work and grace of God in our lives.

I’ve always felt led to write a book. There have been many times over the last fifteen years or so that I have started one, but the context and timing never felt quite right. I don’t think I was spiritually mature enough to process what was needed. My eyes were too heavy on the subject and not enough on God’s intervention and deliverance.

I couldn’t help but be amazed by the Lord’s hand in Michael’s and my story as I began to write this book. I went through my journals and read story after story of God’s provision and presence for us. When I was writing in my journals at the time, I was writing my heart. I was recording the things that were bothering me, where I was hurting the most, and the fears of the unknowns that lie ahead. I also wrote down where the Lord showed up in those daily moments, people He brought alongside us, and the gifts He blessed us with to help us through that day.

Click on this picture to see our collection of journals

I have come to a point in healing that I can now step into an outside perspective. I can read the journals like they are a story written by someone else. The sting of emotions has left me. Again, another testimony of God’s goodness and faithfulness. This time, as I read along, I wasn’t caught up in all the hard details, though they were still pertinent to the story. This time, I was amazed by the Lord.

Sometimes when we are so close to the situation, it can feel like months or years before we hear from the Lord. The aching of our hearts wants us to be in His presence knowing that’s where we ultimately belong; away from the pain of this world and present with our Father. But, if we record our interactions with the Lord through our hard times, we can step back later and see how often the Lord really was present.

What I had thought were spaces of months in between God’s leading and provision were actually days most times. It’s incredible how much He really is a part of our stories and lives; how He cares about every single detail.

In saying all that, I am so excited to share with you that the first draft of the book is officially written! The Lord has finished this part of our story. I would like to introduce you to (insert drumroll here):

Sustaining Hope

It is currently in the editing phase of the process. I will keep you informed of when the launch will take place.

In the meantime, I ask that you would please pray. Pray that this book will truly give hope, encouragement, support, and comfort to people in need. I ask that you pray that the Lord would bless it and receive all the glory for it. This is His story that He has written in our lives for His purposes. We want it to effect change for His kingdom.

Also, in saying that, we’d greatly appreciate your support in promoting it. If you’re interested, I’m happy to share ways to do that when the launch gets closer. My heart’s desire is to grow this ministry so that others can know they aren’t alone through it. I tried to be as open as I could so that people could relate. My heart is on those pages as I’ve shared both the struggles and triumphs. It is my prayer that people can connect with the struggles, but more importantly, have their eyes opened to the Lord in their circumstances too.

It’s so essential for all of us to learn to seek the Lord in all of life; To have eyes open to where He is working. It’s critical to look beyond ourselves to the bigger picture. That can be really difficult to do. Sometimes it can feel like we’re staring into a dense fog and the light on the other side is blurred. At times, that fog can actually be the Lord. It may represent a season of protection for you. It’s a warning to turn to Him, to let go of the worry of the future, and to wait. Then, when the time is right, the fog will lift and His light and the path in front of you will be clear enough to take the next steps forward.

Regardless of what you’re facing, the Lord is with you and will guide you with His Sustaining Hope.

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