Browsing Category: spiritual warfare

Mothers Day Special: Spiritual Warfare in Motherhood

Moms, are you in the middle of the chaos with your kids? Do you feel overwhelmed, having a difficult time keeping up with the demanding routines of your household? Do you have days where you’re “tapped out?” Are the voices in your head telling you, you’re a bad mom? Tess can relate! She’s a mom to eight boys and has lived in the chaos for years! Tune in to today’s episode to gain Biblical insight and encouragement for this “freakshow” life.

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Why Do You Need to Know about Spiritual Warfare?

Many assume that if they’ve heard about or done a study on the armour of God once, they understand the concept and that’s good enough. But I want to challenge this thought.

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Who are Your Allies (Part One)?

Do you know who’s on your team? Who’s helping to fight for you?

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A Simple Yet Powerful Generational Legacy for Christ

Do you wonder what impact you’re making on your children’s and/or grandchildren’s lives? Do you question whether your mentoring is really bringing value to those you’re discipling? God most often uses you in your seasons of suffering to see where He’s working and how you can be an effective instrument for Him and His work. No matter where you’re at in life right now, find out the incredible opportunities God has for you, even when it seems impossible.

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Is Warrior in Training for Me?

Is this Bible study for you? There are many elements within this study to help you grow in your relationship with Jesus, Kingdom investment in spiritual disciplines, challenging yourself out of your comforts, discipleship, and building strong community.

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What is Spiritual Warfare

Do you know there’s a war taking place you cannot see, and that you’ve actually been a part of it? Spiritual warfare is something a lot of us in North America fear talking about. We want to avoid the topic because if we’re ignorant about it, we can pretend it doesn’t exist, right?

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Calling Out Fear

Hypothetically speaking, let’s put our Hope Through Hard Times’ community together in a room. I’m going to ask you to raise your hand if you have a fear of finances. How many do you think would do it? A few? Half of the room? The entire room?

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About Me

Rachel is passionate about discipling people into a deeper relationship with Jesus, helping to keep Him forefront in their daily lives...   Read More


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