Browsing Category: overcoming infertility

Infertility: The Comfort & Guidance of Great Friends

How are you and your spouse working through infertility? Do you have people supporting you, or do you feel alone and like you’re not understood? Let’s talk about some things that will help you through.

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Why Do You Want Children?

This post may be difficult to read and yet, when applied, may eventually lead to more healing and a deeper reliance on Jesus. Please reach out if you have any questions and/or would like to process this together.

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Tired of False Hope?

It seems like everyone around you has more hope about you having kids than you do for yourself. Are you tired of false hope, and are looking for real answers?

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What to Say and What Not to Say

Most of our communities have no idea who is trying to conceive, who’s infertile, or has been in the past. Whether you know an infertile couple or not, please read this post to learn what to say and what not to say to a couple.

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Infertility and Sex

As someone working through infertility, I’m guessing you’re dreading Valentine’s Day. You’re tired of having to muster up your romantic side when the infertility’s stolen almost every ounce you had. You might like to get dressed up and go on a date but you’re praying it ends when you return home; anything to avoid “the bedroom…”

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What Do You Want to be Known for This Year?

It’s a new year which means refreshed hope. It’s an opportunity for you to leave last year behind and focus on what is ahead. So, my question for you today is, What do you want to be known for this year?

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Setting Goals Together

Are you two feeling stuck? The infertility has consumed your life. You don’t know where life is headed and it’s hard to focus on anything else. It’s time to set some goals.

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Four Years Later

March 14 marked four years since Michael and I received confirmation about our infertility. Putting myself back in that time, I didn’t see how we would ever be able to move forward from that news

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Infertility – Furry Alternatives

What do you do if you’re infertile? You’ve found out that you can’t have children, but you’re not sure what your next steps should be. How about getting a pet?

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Secondary Infertility

Do you know someone having a hard time getting pregnant again? They had one or two children but suddenly can’t seem to conceive? This is called Secondary Infertility.

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About Me

Rachel is passionate about discipling people into a deeper relationship with Jesus, helping to keep Him forefront in their daily lives...   Read More


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