Browsing Category: Infertility stories

Four Years Later

March 14 marked four years since Michael and I received confirmation about our infertility. Putting myself back in that time, I didn’t see how we would ever be able to move forward from that news

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The Book is Written!

… I am so excited to share with you that the first draft of the book is officially written! The Lord has finished this part of our story. I would like to introduce you to (insert drumroll here): …

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Infertility – Furry Alternatives

What do you do if you’re infertile? You’ve found out that you can’t have children, but you’re not sure what your next steps should be. How about getting a pet?

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Infertility – Helping Family and Friends Know What to Do

Someone asked me last month how they can help their family and friends who are going through infertility. As I thought about what to write, I was drawn to asking some of you in our community that I know either have or are dealing with infertility. There can be great insight from a variety of responses.

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Making Tough Decisions

Something came up and challenged Michael and I. We were in our own little world, settled and enjoying life, when an fertility idea came up. An idea we hadn’t spoken about in a while. We had surrendered and gotten comfortable in our way of life.

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Our Infertility Journey

Thank you to Christine for courageously sharing her husband’s and her story through Infertility. Please take some time to read this and be encouraged by how God works in the unknowns.

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Faith Filled Stories: Ruth

Ruth wasn’t a book that I thought about regarding infertility. It’s a book about choosing God, overcoming grief, and finding a kinsman redeemer. But there’s a story deep within the pages that was suggested, but not elaborated on. A story of barrenness.

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Infertility is … By Christine V.

Over the past few months, the Lord has been nudging at me to be more vulnerable and more open about what He has been teaching me, especially through our journey with infertility. My prayer through writing this is that the Lord uses what He has laid on my heart to connect with you; to show you that you are not alone in your thoughts and that your feelings are known and understood.

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Faith Filled Stories: The Two Contenders (Part Two)

We’ve heard Leah’s side of the story. The poor rejected woman, stuck in an unloving marriage, but eventually blessed with six sons! Now let’s hear the other side. Bring in Rachel. No, not me silly. The Rachel from the Bible.

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About Me

Rachel is passionate about discipling people into a deeper relationship with Jesus, helping to keep Him forefront in their daily lives...   Read More


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