Browsing Category: God is faithful
Faithful One
…Something very special has come from that time. I found myself repeating the first two verses many times when I went to bed at night. This led me to praising the Lord for His love and faithfulness that day. Then it turned into meditating on the ways the Lord had been faithful to me, which led to be going to sleep with a thankful heart….
Exploration of God’s Character in Exodus – Part 3
Wow, God is so incredible. The depths of His character are never ending. Think about all the attributes we’ve uncovered in just ten verses of chapter 3 in Exodus. That’s only one itty bitty section of the entire Bible. Even if we did nothing else in life but study God’s character in the Bible, we would never reach the end of who He is. Isn’t that an incredible thought? We should never grow weary of His great word.
To Make a Life or Save a Life?
Michael and I were left with the choice to make. Do we make a life or save a life? Time was ticking and we had to choose quickly
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Sustaining Hope Book