Browsing Tag: fruit of the spirit


One Body + Many Parts = Jesus Christ to the World

If you’re a follower of Jesus Christ, then you’re a child of the Living and Only God. As I shared last week in
“Rolling out the Red Carpet for God’s Children,” The Lord has lavished many incredible gifts upon you, including the Holy Spirit as the down payment of your inheritance. In the Spirit is a whole set of other gifts you are given in order to mature in the likeness of Jesus, and to be His light to those around you.

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A Gentle King

The streets were boisterous as people came from all over the country to bring their harvest to the temple. They were about to celebrate the new year together with a great feast. The air smelled of fresh barley. The honey was sweet and the figs fresh. People had their donkeys strapped with carts full to the brim with fresh fruit, oil, and barley as they entered the bustling city. The Inns were sold out and every home was filled with relatives from afar. The noise was intense. The animals tried to make their voices louder than their owners. It was a wonderful time of the year.

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Is God Good?

It’s good to ask questions because it should cause you to look to the Bible to find the answers. In searching for truth with an open heart, the Lord will guide you to the answers you’re looking for. The question today asks, is God good? Though I could do a whole study on this, here are some of the answers I have for you today:

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Faith – What Does Joy Mean?

My niece and I were out for breakfast a month ago. She shared a passage of Scripture with me that she had been meditating on. The verse mentioned joy so I asked her what she thought having joy meant. It created a neat conversation.

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