Browsing Category: Christian podcast

The Overarching Mission of Hope Through Hard Times

As promised last week, I’d like to explain the framework of this ministry to give you a better understanding of who we are, what we do, and where we’re going in order for you to get the most out of this.

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A Father’s Love Exposed through a Child’s Letter

Have you given a gift to someone you thought he might like but didn’t find out until later the significance it held for him? Have you received such a gift? Anna wrote her father a letter when he was 65 years old. On this episode, find out what happened to it, the significance it held for a number of people, and how God used it to propel Anna into her successful writing ministry!

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Mothers Day Special: Spiritual Warfare in Motherhood

Moms, are you in the middle of the chaos with your kids? Do you feel overwhelmed, having a difficult time keeping up with the demanding routines of your household? Do you have days where you’re “tapped out?” Are the voices in your head telling you, you’re a bad mom? Tess can relate! She’s a mom to eight boys and has lived in the chaos for years! Tune in to today’s episode to gain Biblical insight and encouragement for this “freakshow” life.

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Do You See Doubting Thomas Negatively or Positively?

Are you on team Rachel, seeing Doubting Thomas as more of a negative response to Jesus, or team Sammy, seeing it as a positive? Would you consider yourself a “Doubting Thomas,” a Denying Peter, or a Courageous John? In today’s special Easter episode, Sammy and Rachel take a look at Jesus’ response to the disciples after His resurrection.

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Help Us Celebrate Hope Through Hard Times’ Fourth Birthday!

It’s Hope Through Hard Times’ fourth birthday! Celebrate with us by discovering the exciting things in store this year. To find out what’s coming, look for all the green highlighted sections in this post!

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Who Are Your Allies (Part Two)?

God has so graciously allowed the world the opportunity to join together with His people, the Israelites, to be one family, to those who accept Jesus’ gift of salvation.As we discovered last month, we also are united together as one army under the Lord of Armies. He’s given us Holy Spirit to counsel and defend us, His heavenly army to fight alongside us, as well as our brothers and sisters on earth.One of the most vital things to protect in this family is our unity. The Devil works hard to create division among us, so that we won’t be the Christ’s example of hope, light, or love to this hurting world. When we become aware of this, we can make, “every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace.” Ephesians 4:3When we do keep the unity, God does mighty work through His body of believers, joining the…

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What is Spiritual Warfare

Do you know there’s a war taking place you cannot see, and that you’ve actually been a part of it? Spiritual warfare is something a lot of us in North America fear talking about. We want to avoid the topic because if we’re ignorant about it, we can pretend it doesn’t exist, right?

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Episode 14 – Could You Do It?

In this episode Brennan and Rhonda Cattani share some of the journey that God brought them on as he prepared them to plant a church in a core neighbourhood in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. Their discovery was not groundbreaking, but it certainly was life-changing;  the discovery that all of life is church and church is all of life.

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About Me

Rachel is passionate about discipling people into a deeper relationship with Jesus, helping to keep Him forefront in their daily lives...   Read More


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