Examples of Succession Planning

Succession planning is critical for success. It is important in your personal, business, and ministry endeavours. You learned about the basics of succession planning and why it’s important last month. Today, let’s take a look at some more Biblical examples of this.

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Encounters or Relationships – Part 2

Elisha was a prophet that walked hand-in-hand with the Lord. If God told him to go left, he went left. He listened for the Lord’s voice. This is clearly stated by the Aramean soldier who told the king that Elisha knew what he whispered in his bedroom. Was Elisha a supernatural being? No. He didn’t have any power in himself. The Lord put the words in Elisha’s ears since God is all-knowing. Elisha listened well and was eager to respond. He studied the Scriptures which allowed him to recognize the voice of God. He leaned into Yahweh, giving greater room for the Spirit to work mightily within him. Then when the miraculous encounters took place, it was a natural extension of what Elisha had been experiencing with the Lord already.

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Men – The Silent Ache

The wife is usually the one to get more compassion from others because she wears her emotions more openly. It’s harder for her to hide the sorrow she’s going through. It’s normal for women to seek comfort from close friends and family and to process with more people outside of the home. It’s often the husband that deals with it silently.

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Encounters or Relationship?

The Spirit’s encounters are miraculous and very important but do they overshadow the desire for a deeper relationship with Jesus and you? How do the two work together and what can you do to appropriately appreciate both?

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Inspire Hope Podcast

Join Rachel and Sammy as they listen to stories of God’s work in people’s lives, apply relevant Biblical principles, and share the impact it can have for your life too!We created this channel because we believe that God uses stories to draw you closer to Him. He uses your story to strengthen others, hence inspiring hope. We pray that you are inspired and encouraged by what everyone shares on this channel; that it draws you into a deeper relationship with Jesus. This is a branch of Hope Through Hard Times as we believe it fits with our passion to, “plant hope for Kingdom growth.”The link will come out tomorrow! It would mean a lot to us if you’d share the podcast with your family and friends. We’d love to spread hope and inspire everyone we can towards Jesus.Do you have a story you’d like to share? Or do you know someone that…

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Inspire Hope Podcast Begins!

I’d like to introduce you to Samuel Bernard. He’s joining Hope Through Hard Times on this new venture of starting, Inspire Hope Podcast! Here’s a little background to Sammy and how this idea began.

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In the Nick of Time

The Lord guarantees us that He will be with us, will never leave us, and is our ever-present help. So why do we worry that necessary things won’t get done when they need to? Do you ever feel that way? You’ve got a deadline at work and the pressure is mounting to get it finished, but things aren’t coming together? Or, is your schedule full of important responsibilities with little room to budge?

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Dates With My Dads

Dads – The protectors and providers of the family. Great dads serve and give selflessly to see their families thrive. They aren’t afraid to discipline their kids, when necessary, in order to correct wrong behaviour and help them follow the right path of life. They are great listeners, teachers, and adventurists. They’ll help you overcome fears, explore the great outdoors, and grow into a strong woman.

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His Greatness, Our Response

I want to do something different today. I’ve posted the passage from 1 Chronicles 16:8-36 for you to read through. I’ve given a list of the Lord’s characteristics and then a list of ways for you to respond from what is written here. I think it’s important sometimes to pause and just marvel at who the Lord is and how you can respond in worship.

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Be Content For He is Always With Me

During my Bible School years, I was reading through Hebrews as a course assignment, and when I came to this verse in context, it blew me away! “….be content with such things as you have, for He has said, “I will never leave you….’ “. I was going through a difficult year. I had broken up with my boyfriend, my family was going through a time of brokeness and even my close friends seemed to be “leaving” me. I felt alone and abandoned. But that night as I sat at my desk eating candy corn, the words practically jumped off the page at me! I could be content, simply because God was with me and would never leave me! So simple yet so profound! I clung to that verse after that!

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About Me

Rachel is passionate about discipling people into a deeper relationship with Jesus, helping to keep Him forefront in their daily lives...   Read More


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