Browsing Category: Post-Concussion Syndrome

Starting Over
Have you given up something in the past, but never fully lost the desire to pursue it – a job, a hobby, etc.? You think about it. You talk about it with others and research it when you have a spare moment, but the action’s yet to be started?

Summer Discovery
Have you ever prayed for something for so long you forget to keep looking for the answer?

Life – Praising the Lord!
Get the latest exciting updates on my post-concussion syndrome recovery, as well as a few more thrilling updates for Hope Through Hard Times! We also need your help! Read on…

New Life
Ah! The freshness of spring. The birds are beginning to return and the morning is filled with the sounds of their chirping. Bunnies are popping up everywhere along with the spring flowers. The grass is turning green and the trees are budding. Life is returning after the dreary cold.

Finances – A Personal Update
As we approached 2021, Michael and I began to ask the Lord what our next steps should be when we paid off the mortgage. We both felt for years that there was something significant on the other side of accomplishing this goal for Him.

Meal Planning
A key skill to retrain yourself with after your accident is organization. The more organized you are, the easier it is to function. It’ll help reduce overwhelm and teach you how to manage your day. This is also true for preparing meals.

The Roller Coaster of Emotions
A little girl is at the carnival with her mommy. She takes a lick of her lollipop and giggles when the flavours consume her tongue. Suddenly, two skateboarders whiz by her. As she turns to watch them, she drops her lollipop on the ground. She feels a flood of emotions overcome her. What will she do?

Could Stress Be Causing Your Symptoms?
There have been times when I’ve wondered whether it is my symptoms flaring, I’m getting sick, or something else is going on? Most of the time I chalk it up to my concussion and ride the wave. But what if it isn’t always your concussion that’s bugging you?
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