Browsing Category: John 14:27
If Only There Was a Warning Sign: Rough Road Ahead!
“The promise is not a life without storms, but his nearness when the waves crash against us.”
Do You Know About Jesus’ Victorious Kingdom of Peace?
Jesus’ life on earth was to conquer sin, shame, and death, and offer everlasting life to those who put their faith in Him. But there was a process even for God Himself to follow, a royal order to put Jesus on the throne over heaven and earth. And thankfully, this plan graciously included humans.
Advent Week Four: Peace
Have you been struggling to find peace lately? Have you been feeling rushed? Has sickness gotten you down? Are you worried or fearful? Come and receive the gift of peace this Christmas
A Gospel of Peace
Jesus told His disciples to share their witness of His death, burial, and resurrection. He wanted them to explain to people around the world the great news of His gift of salvation. He died for man’s sin and has reclaimed authority to us. So, what was His message? “…and your feet sandaled with readiness for the gospel of peace.” – Ephesians 6:15
Peace in the Storm
It can be very difficult to find peace in the chaos and calamities of life. If you’re in a busy and loud season or a quiet and somber one, peace often seems to be the first thing that goes missing. How can you find peace “when sea billows roll”?
The Lover of My Soul
Have you noticed that God often reveals a characteristic of Himself to you in various seasons of your life? He likes to intimately show you something of Himself so that it will stick with you in life, drawing you closer to the Lord and instilling Jesus’ character within you…
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