Browsing Category: Generosity

Giving for God’s or My Glory?

Matthew 6 is full of great money managing advice. It also shows you that your spiritual life and financial situation are often tied closely together. Either your heart is inclined to boast, be proud, and flaunt what you have, storing up treasures for yourself. Or, it is humble, quiet, and focused on what God wants for you, with an eternal kingdom focus. Though the contrasts sound quite different, it can be hard to really see which category you fall in at times.

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Generosity & Financial Freedom

You’ve heard me share on here about the importance of becoming debt free, having a plan, and being financially healthy. We are to be faithful stewards of God’s money. However, I never expected our journey of becoming debt free to be as transformational as it has proven to be.

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Attitude of Gratitude – What Have You Been Given?

I think sometimes that the more trials we endure with Jesus, the more value we see in life. The more we can appreciate the things we do have, verses always wanting the things we don’t.

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One Blind Date Continued

The blind date that won my heart continues…

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A Testimony of Praise

Are you praying and expecting God to move in your life? Hold onto hope that God listens and is always working. Find out what caused us to rejoice greatly this week

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The Three Essentials: Part Two- Giving

Are you having a rough or bored day and looking for something fun to do? Try unexpectedly blessing someone!

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About Me

Rachel is passionate about discipling people into a deeper relationship with Jesus, helping to keep Him forefront in their daily lives...   Read More


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