Browsing Category: Exodus 3

I Am Who I Am
Jesus is known in the gospel of John by describing Himself with a series of titles that are labelled the, I Am’s. But John isn’t the first time this name was mentioned. Explore the beginning of the name I Am and what it means to gain a deeper understanding of your loving and powerful God.

Exploration of God’s Character in Exodus – Part 3
Wow, God is so incredible. The depths of His character are never ending. Think about all the attributes we’ve uncovered in just ten verses of chapter 3 in Exodus. That’s only one itty bitty section of the entire Bible. Even if we did nothing else in life but study God’s character in the Bible, we would never reach the end of who He is. Isn’t that an incredible thought? We should never grow weary of His great word.

An Exploration of God’s Character in Exodus: Part 2
The Lord told Moses the place he was standing was holy ground. Moses clearly saw that something was happening. Some powerful deity was calling out to him. Now it’s about to get more personal.

An Exploration of God’s Character in Exodus
We’ve spent the last several weeks looking into great leaders’ lives. We’ve explored the areas that the Lord worked in them to build up their character and their stories, in order to lead a multitude of other people to Him. Here’s the thing, we’ve looked at a lot of people. Now I want to look to God.

Humble Beginnings: Moses
He was on the run. He was away from everything he knew. He was Hebrew by lineage, Egyptian by adoption, and torn between the two. Now he was away from it all. Everyone and everything familiar was gone. The guilt of the murder was on his hands. What was going to happen next?
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