Browsing Category: Discipleship

Explore Jesus’ Principle of Teaching and How to Apply it for Yourself
There are three important principles by which Jesus ran His ministry: He taught, He healed, and He rested. Sometimes you can see the clear order of this in Scripture; other times, it is scattered throughout the New Testament in varying degrees. Today, let’s dive into the principle of teaching so you can gain a better grasp on its importance for you.

A Simple Yet Powerful Generational Legacy for Christ
Do you wonder what impact you’re making on your children’s and/or grandchildren’s lives? Do you question whether your mentoring is really bringing value to those you’re discipling? God most often uses you in your seasons of suffering to see where He’s working and how you can be an effective instrument for Him and His work. No matter where you’re at in life right now, find out the incredible opportunities God has for you, even when it seems impossible.

Is Warrior in Training for Me?
Is this Bible study for you? There are many elements within this study to help you grow in your relationship with Jesus, Kingdom investment in spiritual disciplines, challenging yourself out of your comforts, discipleship, and building strong community.

Exploring Discipleship
Are you intimidated by discipleship? Do you want someone to disciple you? Are you nervous about discipling someone else? How are you supposed to do it? Let’s explore this together.
Episode 14 – Could You Do It?
In this episode Brennan and Rhonda Cattani share some of the journey that God brought them on as he prepared them to plant a church in a core neighbourhood in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. Their discovery was not groundbreaking, but it certainly was life-changing; the discovery that all of life is church and church is all of life.
Episode 6 – When Nothing Else Satisfied…
Jamie had fractured his ankle which led to a pulminary embolism that almost took his life. With a long recovery ahead of him, and plenty of time to sit and think, Jamie faced the reality of where his life was headed. What would he do?

Infertility – The Gift of Discipleship
An important lesson I learned is to take my eyes off of myself and put my attention onto others. It was taking my time and being intentional with it rather than letting it become idle in the bland ‘different day same story’ type mindset. It was setting aside my feelings for a bit and finding out where the needs were.

What Happened Next?
Their leader was captured and killed. … All of their dreams and plans by their understanding were ruined. So, they did what they thought was safest. They retreated into a locked house in fear of the Jews…

Passing the Baton
After reading about Jesus’ baptism and wilderness experience, I searched the Bible to see what happened next. I know He called the disciples to follow Him. He also performed His first miracle. But something I never noticed previously, happened before all that.
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