Browsing Category: concussions

Vision Therapy Update

Life takes community. It takes supporting and cheering one another on. I have been so blessed with all the encouragement I’ve had from many of you along my concussion journey. Since I know there have been people praying for me, I wanted to take a moment to explain where things are at.

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Just Say Yes

I thought my brain would heal itself. I thought that it just needed time. Like a bone or muscular injury, I thought that if I did six weeks of therapy or so, it would be good to go. But it wasn’t. So now what?

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Could Stress Be Causing Your Symptoms?

There have been times when I’ve wondered whether it is my symptoms flaring, I’m getting sick, or something else is going on? Most of the time I chalk it up to my concussion and ride the wave. But what if it isn’t always your concussion that’s bugging you?

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No More Excuses

I was too tired. I was too emotional. I would never be able to manage “normal” life again. My concussion ran my life. Then I hit the moment when I felt “sick and tired of being sick and tired”. I gathered up the gumption to continue looking for solutions to recover from this injury

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Do you walk into door jams, corners of walls, or other items around the room? Do you feel a little tipsy with your gait? These are all signs that your balance needs some tweaking.

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About Me

Rachel is passionate about discipling people into a deeper relationship with Jesus, helping to keep Him forefront in their daily lives...   Read More


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