Browsing Category: Christmas

Pause in the Stillness of Time with Jesus this Christmas

As the hustle and bustle grows quiet, there’s this sweet spot of time between Christmas and New Year’s where you can take a deep breath and rest. Sure, there may be gatherings to attend, but overall, there’s a general sense of calm that comes with the holidays; a transition between the end of one year and the beginning of another. Before the expectations and wishes of the new year begin, come before the Lord with thanksgiving. Lay all the unknowns of the future and the memories of the past at His feet, and embrace the present with Him. The lyrics to the song, Bigger than I Thought by Worship Initiative are powerful:..

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Are You Hoping for a Special Gift this Christmas?

Christmas can be a blessing or a challenge depending on your circumstances. But there’s one thing that can make it special regardless. There’s a gift available to you that can change your difficulties and make them beautiful. Would you like a special gift this Christmas? If so, tune into this episode to hear what it is and how it has impacted both of our hosts!

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Surprise Blessings

As each moment presented itself, and I prayed and gave thanks to God, I could feel joy return. I felt thankful for the day and all these blessings He gave us. I counted myself blessed for all who are in my life, for all that I have, and for the focus He’s given me to endure. The enemy wasn’t going to ruin my Christmas, and he didn’t!

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Creative Gift Ideas – Part 2

…As I sat and admired the decorations, the wife and I got into a conversation about Christmas traditions. There was one in particular that stuck with me from that conversation that I’d like to pass on to you now.

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A Unique Christmas Gift Exchange

What do you do when the innocent sparkle of Santa fades as children get older? You have some fun…

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Blessing Other Kids at Christmas

Let’s put some excitement back into giving this Christmas. I know there’s so many adorable little babies’ clothes and lots of toys all around the stores. It’s tugging at your heart to want to buy them. You could buy some for your nieces and nephews. Don’t have any? No worries. I’ve got another idea for you.

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About Me

Rachel is passionate about discipling people into a deeper relationship with Jesus, helping to keep Him forefront in their daily lives...   Read More


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