Browsing Tag: God’s Character


Faithful One

…Something very special has come from that time. I found myself repeating the first two verses many times when I went to bed at night. This led me to praising the Lord for His love and faithfulness that day. Then it turned into meditating on the ways the Lord had been faithful to me, which led to be going to sleep with a thankful heart….

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An Exploration of God’s Character in Exodus

We’ve spent the last several weeks looking into great leaders’ lives. We’ve explored the areas that the Lord worked in them to build up their character and their stories, in order to lead a multitude of other people to Him. Here’s the thing, we’ve looked at a lot of people. Now I want to look to God.

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Man Oh Man

Humans – such strange, complex, and profound beings. Intelligent and beautiful in many ways. We are crafted together with perfect finesse.

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