God’s Strength is So Important to Understand

When your back’s against the wall and you feel alone, God’s strength will help you out. When you feel like everything has been lost, God’s strength will provide. When you’re in a heavy season, God’s strength will help you endure. But how? How to you identify and trust in God’s strength instead of your own? How do you look for it in times of weakness? Is there something you can do to learn this now in order to be prepared later?

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Can God Heal Your Heart from A Wounded Parental Relationship?

Have you been hurt or neglected from a relative because of addictions? What do you do when they call and want back in your life? Is it possible to be healed from such long and deep wounds? Today’s story is written by someone who courageously worked through this process with the Lord. Find out what she discovered.

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Has Your Heart Been Hurt by Someone You Trusted?

You’ve been hurt. It’s a bold statement but I can say it with 100% certainty because everyone has. You live in a sin-filled world where people hurt others, whether intentionally or unintentionally, all the time. It’s hard when this happens. Your trust of that person diminishes. If you break communication with him or her, that’s the last memory you’ll hold of that relationship, which shapes your understanding and image of him/her. How do you restore your heart in moments like this? Is it possible to redeem that last memory?

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Are You Prepared for an Emergency?

Are you prepared for a financial emergency? How much should you save? What are the best account options to choose for this? Jennifer gives you a clear plan on how to prepare for an emergency before it happens!

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Does Competition Inspire You or Make You Angry?

There’s a project at Michael’s family store that I quite enjoy getting involved with the last couple years. In one particular area, I had set a record of calendars bound within an hour. Unbeknownst to me though, a threat arose! My brother-in-law had been practicing to beat my record and was inching closer to take the champion title!

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What’s Your Perspective With Your Infertility?

Infertility can become all-consuming. It is something that can quickly take over majority of your thoughts, energy, and activities. Depending on how desperate you’re feeling in your situation, there are triggers you need to be aware of in order to help you through this trial.

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Why Does Disciplining Your Body Add Value to Your Purpose?

Do you have a hard time remaining consistent with things, especially exercise? You push yourself to do it for a time, but then things happen (ex. getting sick, busy schedule) that causes you to stop. You get out of routine and don’t pick it back up again. Let me help you grab hold of a deeper purpose to work towards when it comes to taking care of yourself that’s lasting.

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A Simple Yet Powerful Generational Legacy for Christ

Do you wonder what impact you’re making on your children’s and/or grandchildren’s lives? Do you question whether your mentoring is really bringing value to those you’re discipling? God most often uses you in your seasons of suffering to see where He’s working and how you can be an effective instrument for Him and His work. No matter where you’re at in life right now, find out the incredible opportunities God has for you, even when it seems impossible.

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Starting Over

Have you given up something in the past, but never fully lost the desire to pursue it – a job, a hobby, etc.? You think about it. You talk about it with others and research it when you have a spare moment, but the action’s yet to be started?

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The Brutal & the Beautiful

Have you heard there is brutality and beauty in the cross of Christ? Because of His sacrifice for your sin and death, you understand the brutality, but the beauty part might not make sense. How can anything beautiful come from Christ’s suffering?

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About Me

Rachel is passionate about discipling people into a deeper relationship with Jesus, helping to keep Him forefront in their daily lives...   Read More


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