I was left in wonder; Reminded of the depth of details that God invests in us. There have been many times over the course of the last week or so where the Lord has shared testimony of His care and detail regarding our lives.
Last’s Tuesday’s post about fostering-to-adopt held a treasure about this. God gave the woman’s mother the privilege of helping deliver a baby she didn’t even know would one day become her grandchild. That precious moment was captured in a photo and handwriting savoured by the birth mother.
There is always something beautiful in creation that He gives us to enjoy, in spite of whatever pain we are enduring. As I challenged my friend, it is good to be real with God. The more we hold back from Him, the less He can work in us and share. By being raw with Him, it allows communication between the two of you. As Bethany did when she lost her arm to a shark attack, she asked, what’s next? This is something we should do as well. Okay Lord, “____” has happened. I can’t do “______” anymore. How can I creatively still serve and praise You? What do you want me to do now?
The key in this conversation is that there are two parties. Once you have asked that question, it is important to listen. Let the situation go. Give it to the Holy One and then wait for His response. He’ll tell you what to do next. It may be something you’d never expect. Or, it may be to get creative in that thing you used to do. If you played piano, it could be using your voice to sing. Or, it could be running and praising Him for the nature around you. Bethany didn’t let her infirmity stop her. Instead, she took up courage and headed back into the waters, trusting God to protect her and show her the way.

The Father has spoken to my heart this week as well. I am blessed by His detail and love for me. I have been working day and night lately, trusting in His provision and protection physically, spiritually, and mentally in order to endure. I’ve been busy with my job. I’ve been working hard trying to get these special products together so that I can make them available to you all. These are something I feel the Lord has written on my heart to do, and something He’s confirmed in many little ways. I believe the products will be an encouragement to you, and to all those going through hard times.
But to be honest, I’ve been tired. I’ve been wondering how all the pieces are going to come together. Little bits of doubt started to creep in. I began questioning whether I should pursue this or not. Should I not bother and stick to what I’ve been doing?
Michael and I went to one of my parent’s a couple weekends ago. I showed them some cards I made to go along with the products I’ll be offering. Just then, my Mom dashed downstairs. She returned with a little note in her hand and something behind her back.
She had saved two pieces of paper from around the time I was twelve years old. They had little pictures of card designs I had made back then. She pointed out that I had written, “Rachel’s Card Company” on the back covers of the cards. She had tucked them away years ago and found them two days before we came for the weekend, just before I showed her the cards I have designed now.
We laughed at the timing and cuteness of what I had drawn; surprised at the fact that I made those designs as a child years ago. I sat there in absolute awe and thanks to God. As I stared at the pages, I couldn’t help but see the connection, that I am on the path the Lord wants for me.

The thing is, the Father cares about every single minute detail of our lives. He leaves an imprint of Himself along our path. When we step into the things that He desires for us, we can be assured He has left an imprint or reason why somewhere along our journey. All because He cares.
I spent decades in search of my “calling”. I felt like there had to be more in all the jobs, ministries, and hobbies that I had participated in over the course of my life. Now I’m here, looking back over my past, and seeing His plans and purposes in everything connecting. And it’s worth all the questioning and pain.
He wants that for you as well. The thing is, like any relationship, you have to want Jesus beyond anything else. You have to want to go deep with Him. You have to want time with Him. Through going deep with Him, you can hear Him more. You can have eyes to see what He wants to show you. His Spirit will amaze you by the things He will say and do in you.
As hard as it may be, don’t get lost in the pain of today. Hold onto the hope of tomorrow. He has a beautiful plan orchestrated for you. If you cannot see the picture of it now, you can be assured that He is preparing your character. He’s softening your heart. He’s working through healing your soul. He’s building the foundations and roots in your life so that they run deep in the rich soil of Jesus Christ.
He loves you SO very much