Dear Father,
Thank You for Your generosity. You are the Giver of Life. Every life is a miracle. Jesus’ life was the greatest miracle! Thank You for generously giving us Your Son, who lowered and limited Himself, and put on a suit of flesh, to save us from sin, shame, and death. This month, we celebrate Your abundant victory! It is beautifully triumphant. Freedom became reality.
Lord, the enemy loves to steal our joy, especially around Christmas. He tries to rob us of fully offering the celebration and praise You deserve. Though the magnificence of Your birth leaves us in wonder of You, the weight of circumstances also receives heightened attention. Yet, isn’t this the reality of life in general – learning to live the good life with mix of joy and sorrow? A life You modeled perfectly for us, and showed us that the two can go hand-in-hand.

With gratitude, we praise You for all that You are, and all that You’ve done for us. Thank You that You are the, “Wonderful Counsellor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, and Prince of Peace…You are the Father of Mercies and the God of all Comfort!” (Isaiah 9:6, 2 Cor 1:3). You can be our peace and joy by way of Your Holy Spirit within us.
Father, today I want to bring before You all my brothers and sisters who long to grow their family, and are grieving that loss. I pray for those who haven’t had children yet. Those who’s hearts have longed to fill their home, and feel so quiet and empty.
I pray for those who may have other children, but You’ve decided to close the door for more at this time, and the secondary infertility seems even more confusing and disheartening.
May I also lift up to You those who have lost a child(ren) this year due to miscarriage, still birth, or otherwise. Their hearts are grieving and desperately trying to hold onto Your hope this Christmas.
Father, I pray for those who have come so close to adopting a child, and experienced the deep wound of a closed door. We don’t understand why You allow some to suffer this road, but it doesn’t mean You aren’t good or trustworthy. For we know that You indeed are both.
Thank You that we can look back and remember Your faithfulness through every generation as we walk the path of a foggy, unknown future.
Father, my heart aches for those who put up their Christmas trees and stared at the empty bottom, with no presents to place for children. I pray for the women who buy pregnancy tests in wishing that Christmas morning their own miracle will appear positive.

Yahweh, You understand it all. “[You] declare the end from the beginning, and from long ago what is not yet done, saying: my plan will take place, and I will do all my will.” (Isaiah 46:10). Thank You for the hope and reassurance we can find in that; the peace that’s found in You alone.
Be with each and every couple mentioned above this Christmas. If I may give each of them a gift this Christmas, I ask that You would fill them with Your Spirit. Give them the joy and peace they truly long for most. And in that, may You clearly direct them towards the plans You know will take place. Come and have Your way, dear Lord, for we know Your way is best. May You receive all glory, praise, and honour in return, both now, and forevermore.
In Jesus’ loving and saving name we pray,