Browsing Category: Faith

An Adventure of Understanding God’s Love

My dad and stepmom were getting ready to leave for a trip, so I phoned them the night before to hear how things were coming together, to bless their time away, and remind them of my love for them. It was a good chat. Near the end of the conversation, my dad paused in contemplative silence for a moment then said, “I love you very much… Do you know how much I love you? …I love you so so much.” Tears filled my eyes. My heart hadn’t known how much I needed to hear those genuine words.

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One Body + Many Parts = Jesus Christ to the World

If you’re a follower of Jesus Christ, then you’re a child of the Living and Only God. As I shared last week in “Rolling out the Red Carpet for God’s Children,” The Lord has lavished many incredible gifts upon you, including the Holy Spirit as the down payment of your inheritance. In the Spirit is a whole set of other gifts you are given in order to mature in the likeness of Jesus, and to be His light to those around you.

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Rolling Out the Red Carpet for God’s Children

Are you someone who battles with shame? Do you doubt God’s goodness and/or don’t understand the gifts you’ve received as a child of God? Let’s look at Ephesians 1 to understand more of the gifts He’s lavished upon you.

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The Victory of the Last Adam

“Who’s your daddy?” Though this has many connotations, literally speaking it can either be very simply stated, complex, or not known. If you’re from a Jewish culture, a person might break out the long genealogical list dating them back to one of Jacob’s sons, or to Noah, or Adam. No matter the culture, even for those who don’t know their biological fathers, we all have the guarantee that our lineage traces back to the first Adam ever created.

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If Only There Was a Warning Sign: Rough Road Ahead!

“The promise is not a life without storms, but his nearness when the waves crash against us.”

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The King of Kings Has Won the Victory!

I’m sure you’ve had a situation in life where hope has dwindled after the stormy trial tarries on. The burden weighs heavy and God’s promises seem so far removed. You pray and wait, but the longer it goes, the more doubt creeps in, making God’s word seem like a nice fairy tale. But deep within your heart lies the anchor of your faith, believing even if a little, that He will come through for you.

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Walking through Suffering Gives Hope and Life to Others

Are you in a season of suffering? Hold onto hope; this time is not wasted. There is great impact and reward in your pain! As you reflect upon Jesus’ death on the cross in today’s post, you’ll see why the Father didn’t remove Him from His own suffering, and the impact, and reward because of it.

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How Sorrowful Suffering Leads to Regal Redemption

There are many who experiencing a degree of sorrow right now for various reasons; perhaps you are one of them. How do you move forward when all joy and passion seem lost to you? Let’s visit the garden of Gethsemane and see what Jesus did in His time of sorrow.

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Jesus’ Principle of Rest – See What Gets Revealed in Recovery

If you’ve followed along in this series of Jesus’ principles of ministry, you’ve learned the importance of training and action through teaching and healing. There’s one last component to observe that makes the other two able to thrive.

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Jesus’ Principle of Healing – Putting Action to the Training

In a literal sense, you might be saying, “Rachel, I’m not equipped with the gift of healing.” There are some who doubt God still heals miraculously, or by way of the gift of the Spirit through humans. There have been many people who have professed this falsely and made it hard to believe the authenticity of this still exists. There are others who fully believe God still strongly uses this gifting around the world. For the sake of this study and for the purposes Jesus is modeling, let’s consider our conversation of healing in the more figurative sense instead of literal.

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About Me

Rachel is passionate about discipling people into a deeper relationship with Jesus, helping to keep Him forefront in their daily lives...   Read More


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