Random question, isn’t it?
Exodus 14.14 reads; “The Lord will fight for you, and you shall hold your peace.”
Have you ever been in a season where the Lord keeps bringing back the same scripture? You could be in the supermarket and the kids are having a moment, having a bad day at work, or in the middle of a trial and God will just bring the scripture back to remembrance. It can make you giggle, give you comfort, and can also be a little convicting. That is what is happening to me in the season I am in. And as I navigate this season, I feel compelled to share in the hope to encourage. Because if he can fight continually for me then he can do the same for you. He shows no partiality.
The scripture that is Exodus 14.14 leaves room for many cute little anecdotal stories as to what this means but I am just going to take you through the last 18 months where time and time again I have seen tangibly God fight on my behalf and shown and taught me how to hold my peace.
February 12th, 2020, just before a major pandemic hit the world my little boy suffered from an episode of respiratory distress. He was given the emergency care he needed, was stabilised, and discharged. I did not see it at the time, but God had fought for us. What I thought was an abrasive doctor was a doctor saving his life. I had missed a vital symptom and he had been working hard to breathe and was at his limit.
It kicked off a chain of events in his early life that to this day we are still under medical care for. He has numerous health issues some with and some without long complicated names. But one thing I know for sure is that God fights for us. In the middle of a global pandemic my son has received care from the highest professionals in their field. Consultants have cleared their diaries so they can make room for him to be seen and have also challenged other professionals to aid in his care. Like in Scripture – Deuteronomy 33.26 God has literally ridden the clouds to provide aid for him.
Deuteronomy 33.26 “There is none like God, Jeshurun, who rides on the heavens for your help, In his majesty through the skies.”

God has shown every time how faithful he is to fight for us behind the scenes. There is no situation out of his bounds. See, what I have learned through the years and even more so since last year is, His fighting is not of this world. It’s spiritual. Yes, he will move through the natural, but his workings are so far beyond what we can think or imagine. He will tear down strongholds, makes ways where there were not ways before and opens supernatural doors for us to pass through. Like in the Scripture Isaiah 43.18 where he says he will make a way in the wilderness for us. – This is how he fights!
But he also commands for us to hold our peace. That, I find, is the most challenging. Deep down we know God will move, but it is the timing issue for us. We do not question the “How”. We question the “When” right? We know that he can fight. He Is the God who parted the Red Sea for the Israelite people as they fled Egypt. He caused the walls of Jericho to fall. We know we serve a great God.
But holding out peace so you can fight for me…woah God now you are asking a lot of me! This means I must give you all my trust. I have to keep still; not try and work things out in my own way. See I mentioned how God has done great things in terms of my son’s medical care.
What I have not said that many times I have had to sit on my hands and not call and call and call again the secretary of the consultant because I am fretting.
Holding my peace when a Dr says we must trial a method of a particular medication first before he can start the care, I think he needs now.
Hold my peace when I am given the run around by medical professionals who do not know his history and refuse to check on a visit to A&E.
Hold me peace when I want to scream out, “can nobody see us going through this”, when I am tired and exhausted.
But when I hold my peace, when I rest in his truth that he is moving behind the scene, I begin to visibly see an individual standing in the gap (Jesus) as he carries out the work. He moves the hearts of surgeons. He quiets my son’s symptoms; he upholds me when I am weak.

It is like God is saying “I’ll do the dirty work. You just rest. I’ve got this situation sweet daughter.”
But is this a “one off”? Is my situation an anomaly that we see in the Kingdom? The simple answer is NO. Time and time again we see the favour of God working on and for all of us that are called His children. It does not take us out of our trials and battles that we may face. It does not stop the deep-rooted hurting that we can feel but it does fill us with that continued peace, hope, and confirmation that our God never leaves us or forsakes us. He cares about every small and minute detail of our lives. He cares so intimately and deeply about and for us. – He will fight for you.
God is SO faithful to bridge a gap and fight for us that he ultimately sent his Son. Because he knew that would be the one fight, we NEEDED him for. And I can even suggest that you acknowledge that the fight over sin was won on the cross and that you should accept what God has done for the gift of salvation and the peace of knowing eternity with Him in glory.
My prayer is that yes, we may battle different seasons, they all carry different weights, but one thing I KNOW is God wants to fight for us so we can hold our peace.
Before I finish, I wanted to add a reminder of the Great God that we serve! Our hearts can sometimes feel overwhelmed by all that surrounds us not just out in the world but in our own lives and hearts. It can feel as though God hasn’t heard our cry but remember Daniel 10:12-13 “Then he said to me, “Do not fear, Daniel, for from the first day that you set your heart to understand, and to humble yourself before your God, your words were heard; and I have come because of your words”. But the prince of the kingdom of Persia withstood me twenty-one days; but look, Michael, one of the chief princes, came to help me, because I was left there with the kings of Persia.”
- The Angel of the Lord is literally telling him I AM Fighting on your behalf.
“The reality is we do not wrestle against flesh and blood but against principalities and powers”, Ephesians 6:10-18.
God has heard our prayers and cries, and he will attend to us. He will heal our broken-heartedness, and fight on our behalf.
So, as we trust in who God has said HE IS, for me it is that he IS Jehovah Rapha – the God that heals. If it’s peace you need, remember HE IS Jehovah Shalom. If it’s knowing he’s there HE IS Jehovah Shammah. Or if it’s strength – HE IS Jehovah Tsuri.
BUT most importantly remember that He IS God over everything and he IS Always in control!
Exodus 3:14 “And God said to Moses, ‘I AM WHO I AM’”
I pray this encourages you in your daily endeavours today. Be assured that God knows all things, he sees all things, and he will fight for you; you shall hold your peace. Nothing escapes him and if we go to him he will meet us right there in our place of need because HE IS who he says he is .

Hey I’m Fi owner of Calligrafi Design UK. My business is a calligraphy inspired, handmade stationery and gifts brand. I sell a range of items from notebooks, and notepads, to faith journals, cards and prints. All treatable, giftable, beautiful and bespoke. All products are created in my home studio by me, using the best quality materials that I can source.
My website is www.calligrafidesignuk.com and my Instagram is @calligrafi_designuk come over and say “Hi” when you’re finished reading.
Much Love Fi x